Thursday, December 27, 2012
Fans Disappointed, Sim City 5 Compulsory Connected Internet
Fans Sim City 5 Disappointed - A number of Sim City fans will surely be disappointed with the sequel to the fifth game simulator. For Maxis and Electronic Arts - the two companies behind Sim City - will require gamers who play the game to connect to the internet. Not just occasionally, but all the games!
Of course, the news would upset gamers. Because, not all gamers have a stable internet connection in the location, which in the end would disrupt the current preoccupation with playing games.
Although many gamers who think that the latest Sim City does require an Internet connection while playing in multiplayer mode, it also helped Sim City 5 requires single player mode to connect to the Internet while playing.
As reported by Vr-Zone, the news drew criticism from gamers through Chirp Twitter or via Google+. I was so upset, most of them said they would turn away from Sim City 5.
When asked to issue the Maxis, they even said if it happens so gamers only have a few minutes before the game ends in themselves.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Crysis 3 Compulsory Use VGA DirectX 11
Crysis 3 Compulsory Use VGA DirectX 11 - Gamers who are waiting for Crysis 3 will likely have to first check their graphics cards. Because Cevat Yerli, CEO of Crytek Crysis pembesut the 3 confirmed that its flagship game was adopted in full DirectX 11 technology.
Indeed, leaks minimum specifications required to play Crysis 3 has been revealed before. It was also mentioned about the use of DirectX 11. It's just that, at first did not consider it serious gamers.
In other words, for those gamers who still use the graphics card under DirectX 11-capable, certainly can not feel the game is published by Electronic Arts.
But alas, once confirmed directly by Crytek boss, by itself forcing gamers who are curious about the game to get ready reached into her pocket to upgrade the graphics card ever.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
7 Thousand Units Nintendo Wii Taken Thief
7 Thousand Units Nintendo Wii Taken Thief - United States of America - One night while many people asleep, a group of thieves sneak into the warehouse containing 7000 Nintendo console. In an instant the whole product that was lost without a trace.
As we quoted from seattlepi, Wednesday (12/19/2012), due to the theft of local police estimating losses reached $ 2 million. No response from Nintendo about the theft.
Theft that occurred in Seattle, United States on Saturday night local time. The perpetrators allegedly used Forklift to move 64 pallets containing thousands of Nintendo consoles into 2 trucks that had been prepared.
Nintendo Wii is one gaming console that was popular in the United States, even its existence was eroding market share Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. However, with the presence of the Nintendo Wii U console is no longer manufactured.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Game Unique Wedding Invitations
Game Unique Wedding Invitations - Many ways can be done to spread the wedding invitation to make it look attractive. But for Barry Adams, the best way is through a video game.
"The concept of the game is actually coming from the traditional invitation, I just pack it in the form of 8-bit games. This makes it an interesting little game," he told us from my city, on Wednesday (19/12/2012).
Yes, Adam and his fiancée named Katie, choose to create games to be spread as their wedding invitations. In the game it also told the story about the couple in an interactive affair.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Rockstar GTA Target All Cities in One Game
Rockstar GTA All Cities in One Game - Most gaming enthusiast certainly no stranger when they hear the name of Grand Theft Auto. Rockstar games made that has been present since the first Playstation console version was indeed able to hypnotize his fans, ranging from elementary school students to office workers.
Moreover, when the fifth GTA sequel is planned to be present at the October 2013 swing, will definitely invaded millions of fans.
But apparently it is not the highest achievement to be achieved by Rockstar. Our Quoted from Megagames, Monday (12/17/2012), Rockstar true ambition is to combine the whole city has ever seen from the GTA series the first version to the latest version in a single game.
The sequel is staying digadang world would have a much larger game than the series of GTA: San Andreas and GTA IV combined.
Sounds ambitious indeed. Just imagine how great it would be if the size of the game so it is embodied by Rockstar. And it just might make it into the game with the largest game world ever created.
"Of course, at one point we would like to have one big world, containing all the cities we've played," said Rockstar producer Leslie Benzies.
"(Of course attractive) let players roam back to their favorite area," he added.
Although it may sound difficult, but it sounds like a great plan that Rockstar would do. Because they've done in the series of GTA: San Andreas, where some parts of the city that ever existed on the series III GTA: Liberty City is also present in the series San Andreas.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Playing PES 2012 Games in Android
Playing PES 2012 Games in Android - Although released long enough, PES 2012 is a game made by Konami still interesting to review. Moreover, the popular football game in the console and PC gamers are able to offer a reasonably realistic movement like real football players on the field game.
Not wanting to disappoint smartphone users, Konami does not forget the football game launched for users based on Android.
When you first go into the start menu PES 2012 Android version, gamers will see a menu similar to the console versions or PC.
Although the graphical display shown are not as good as the console or PC version, the Android version of PES 2012 can still offer the enjoyment of playing the typical Pro Evolution Soccer.
As usual, players can just choose the type of game you want to continue playing the game based on Android. Starting from mere exhibition, to follow the progress in the Champions League competition and the popular Europa League.
Like most other Android games, gamers will play PES 2012 using virtual gamepad that will appear at the bottom of the game. Although initially a little difficult because it has not been used, over time gamers who play it would be familiar and began to enjoy it.
The national team or club can be selected to play the same amount of variety too, like that in PES 2012 console and PC versions are filled with popular league like the English Premier League, Spanish, Italian, and other popular league.
Although it still looks like the graphic display 32 bit-tech games, it looks like it still has not been able to dampen the excitement of playing this game. Moreover, gamers can easily play this game enough to capitalize on any smartphone.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
History of the Best Football Games
History of the Best Football Games - Football is the most popular sport in the world. Not surprisingly, the sports-themed video games this one scattered and reap many takers.
Of the many video game ball, some successful addictive. The players were playing at home for long.
Here are 8 football video game which was considered almost certain to cause addiction, such as new game releases gathered from various sources. Agree or have their own opinion?
Mario Strikers Charged
Games for the Wii console is the sequel to Super Mario game on the Nintendo Gamecube Strikes. In this fun game, Mario Bros. to play the ball with his team against the enemy character.
Kicking named as the greatest Mega Strike. This game has received positive reviews from many critics, with a score of 79% on Metacritic.
In addition to the legendary karater, Mario Strikers Charged is presenting exciting gameplay. For example, characters can demonstrate tremendous kick.
Championship Manager 4
Championship Manager 4 allows a player to act like a real football coach. At the time, this game is among the most popular players.
These features are also very complete game to control the selected favorite club. The ball may be many enthusiasts who terhinggap addiction to this game.
Players can see the game with a two-dimensional graphics. Pretty exciting like watching the game in the real world.
Football Manager 2010
Trying to be a football coach in this game makes it very addictive. Quite often hear cases of students to drop out because of fun playing Football Manager.
Series Football Manager 10 was released in 2009 is one of the best versions. The development of significant features.
In FM 2010, the graphics look much better than before. Team selection is very diverse, from about 100 international loha. Obviously, this game will be addictive.
2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa
Grand championship football World Cup 2010 in South Africa two years had passed. But the repercussions can still be felt through the game FIFA World Cup South Africa is.
What makes it praised highly the quality of the graphics equivalent of FIFA 2010. The player can also play online.
Created by EA Sports, the game includes a team of 199 countries around the world. Or the player can directly play the tournament with 32 countries participating.
International Superstar Soccer Pro '98
Konami games made this one is already old school, came out in 1998 for the PlayStation console early. But he still remembered as one of the classic and best game of its time.
Japanese version and that may be more familiar name in the country is Winning Eleven 3: Final version. Yes, this version of Winning Eleven is quite stuck in the enthusiast gaming country.
In this game, fans can already feel the atmosphere of a real football. Want to instantly play? Just select Exhibition mode and select your favorite team to play.
FIFA Soccer 09
This game is touted as one of the best soccer game from Electronics Arts. Graphics are pretty stunning in its time and control the game was fun.
FIFA Soccer 09 includes 500 teams and 30 leagues and 41 national teams to play. Tagline of this game is FIFA Lets 2009.
Characteristics body dealt with very serious players. Keeper was able to react and position the better.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011
Pro Evolution Soccer series including the most favorite football games around the world. One of the best series is PES 2011.
Artificial Intelligence of the players became more steady. It is certain the ball would be satisfied playing enthusiast this one game.
Many of the new features embedded in this series. As the power bar on each player to determine the speed and direction of the kick and bait.
FIFA Soccer 2012
It is difficult to determine which one is better between FIFA Soccer or Pro Evolution Soccer. Problems gamer habits and subjectivity plays a major factor to decide.
What is clear, FIFA Soccer 2012 is the nineteenth hebat.Seri series brings several improved features. Divided into three parts, namely the Impact Engine, Tactical Defending, and Precision Dribbling.
Precision Dribbling feature allows players to control the characters better. And Tactical Defending makes it way more fun to survive.
Of the many video game ball, some successful addictive. The players were playing at home for long.
Here are 8 football video game which was considered almost certain to cause addiction, such as new game releases gathered from various sources. Agree or have their own opinion?
Mario Strikers Charged
Games for the Wii console is the sequel to Super Mario game on the Nintendo Gamecube Strikes. In this fun game, Mario Bros. to play the ball with his team against the enemy character.
Kicking named as the greatest Mega Strike. This game has received positive reviews from many critics, with a score of 79% on Metacritic.
In addition to the legendary karater, Mario Strikers Charged is presenting exciting gameplay. For example, characters can demonstrate tremendous kick.
Championship Manager 4
Championship Manager 4 allows a player to act like a real football coach. At the time, this game is among the most popular players.
These features are also very complete game to control the selected favorite club. The ball may be many enthusiasts who terhinggap addiction to this game.
Players can see the game with a two-dimensional graphics. Pretty exciting like watching the game in the real world.
Football Manager 2010
Trying to be a football coach in this game makes it very addictive. Quite often hear cases of students to drop out because of fun playing Football Manager.
Series Football Manager 10 was released in 2009 is one of the best versions. The development of significant features.
In FM 2010, the graphics look much better than before. Team selection is very diverse, from about 100 international loha. Obviously, this game will be addictive.
2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa
Grand championship football World Cup 2010 in South Africa two years had passed. But the repercussions can still be felt through the game FIFA World Cup South Africa is.
What makes it praised highly the quality of the graphics equivalent of FIFA 2010. The player can also play online.
Created by EA Sports, the game includes a team of 199 countries around the world. Or the player can directly play the tournament with 32 countries participating.
International Superstar Soccer Pro '98
Konami games made this one is already old school, came out in 1998 for the PlayStation console early. But he still remembered as one of the classic and best game of its time.
Japanese version and that may be more familiar name in the country is Winning Eleven 3: Final version. Yes, this version of Winning Eleven is quite stuck in the enthusiast gaming country.
In this game, fans can already feel the atmosphere of a real football. Want to instantly play? Just select Exhibition mode and select your favorite team to play.
FIFA Soccer 09
This game is touted as one of the best soccer game from Electronics Arts. Graphics are pretty stunning in its time and control the game was fun.
FIFA Soccer 09 includes 500 teams and 30 leagues and 41 national teams to play. Tagline of this game is FIFA Lets 2009.
Characteristics body dealt with very serious players. Keeper was able to react and position the better.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011
Pro Evolution Soccer series including the most favorite football games around the world. One of the best series is PES 2011.
Artificial Intelligence of the players became more steady. It is certain the ball would be satisfied playing enthusiast this one game.
Many of the new features embedded in this series. As the power bar on each player to determine the speed and direction of the kick and bait.
FIFA Soccer 2012
It is difficult to determine which one is better between FIFA Soccer or Pro Evolution Soccer. Problems gamer habits and subjectivity plays a major factor to decide.
What is clear, FIFA Soccer 2012 is the nineteenth hebat.Seri series brings several improved features. Divided into three parts, namely the Impact Engine, Tactical Defending, and Precision Dribbling.
Precision Dribbling feature allows players to control the characters better. And Tactical Defending makes it way more fun to survive.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Be careful with the game crack
It's an interesting question because it has been generally most people use the term virus when infected by malicious code (malware).
In dealing with malware in the customer does not want to get too hung up if the customer insists she got a virus (although possibly worm), which is important only help resolve the issue first. Instead busy arguing and did not solve the problem
By definition if we talk about malicious code term used is malware (malicious software / software rogue / malicious code). Because malware is malicious code, it includes worms, trojans, viruses, spyware / adware, rootkits, bots, exploits, and other backdoor.
But not too long so we discuss the most general ones: viruses, worms, spyware, trojans as you ask. And the bit about the vulnerability (vulnerability), patches and service packs.
Malware to infect computers that need assistance / intervention of a third party (usually a man's) to run itself and can not be run automatically infect your computer. So that people would run itself, falsifying virus itself as well as the program. Doc,. Jpg or folder when clicked will run the virus.
In many cases, in order to further convince people to click on her, viruses falsify itself (icon, extension) as pornographic images, file crack or anything else that will attract people to click.
Malicious software is software created for malicious purposes. Basically, malware is software / computer program, which distinguishes malware software is a goal and an adverse action such as changing the victim computer (removing, stealing or hiding) data, consume bandwidth or other resources without the permission of the owner of a computer or other adverse action.
Malware that can automatically infect a computer without the aid of a third party. So once the worm is on your computer / network, it will automatically spread itself to other computers without the help or even without being prevented by the owners of the other computers in the network.
So if the security hole exploited / used by the worm to spread itself automatically already patched (patch) then the worm becomes memble and do not have the ability to infect the system again. So in terpatch system, the virus infects the system even easier than the worm.
Surely there's a question, if the worm can spread itself automatically, then why not make a worm all, why even create viruses that need help to activate him.
So that the worm can automatically infect your computer it must exploit security holes (vulnerabilities) software (can Games, Windows, Office, Adobe Acrobat or any software that is generally popular target).
Just like the movie Troy, Trojan is a Trojan horse that will pretend to be useful both crack programs, games or other programs that secretly you install itself on the system and carry out spying activities such as stealing data, keystroke recording and send to the address specified by the manufacturer.
Like the movie 007, spyware is a program to spy on the victim computer. At first the spyware is created to spy on computer users profile and one of its utilization is showing adware (advertising software viewer / ad) in accordance with the profile / interests of computer users where each time the ad appears on the computer which will provide direct financial benefits for manufacturers of these adware ( pay per click).
After it was suppressed, then circulated rogue antivirus (fake antivirus) which is an adware metamorfisis originally hoped to profit financially from the advertiser when appearing on the computer which, because of the many ad-blocker so he developed into a rogue antivirus which if successfully active on the computer which he will frighten his victims by displaying fake messages as if the victim computer is infected by a lot of harmful malware and messages designed to annoy and can only be cleared if you buy an antivirus application on the link provided.
To prevent exploitation of vulnerabilities (vulnerability) software vendor issued a patch (patch) every time some security holes. A collection of patches that are called 'service pack', so now you know why every time install OS should install 'service pack'.
In the latest OS patch system vulnerabilities which happens automatically every time the computer starts and connects to the internet it checks the latest patches and automatically updates so avoid exploitation.
One of the main objectives is to ensure that vulnerabilities and other bugs found during previous years can be patched everything and computers running safely and smoothly jaya and browse the network / internet.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
History of Nintendo Game Console
History of Nintendo Game Console - In the era of the 1980s to the late 1990s, Nintendo had reached its heyday. For those of you who grew up in the span of the year, would never feel the booming Japanese console controls the world market.
But not just Nintendo NES. Because some products actually made Satoru Iwata et al also plenty of choice for fans of the game at that time.
Who is not familiar with the Mario Bros., Donkey Kong, Legend of Zelda, or shooting games like Duck Hunt? All games ever to feel the height of his popularity when the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) exploded in the market.
Tread Nintendo history from time to time interesting to review again. Because after Nintendo is a trend setter in the gaming industry. These nostalgic Nintendo products, as we quoted from the Telegraph, Monday (12/03/2012).
Nintendo Game & Watch
This could be the first portable gaming console from Nintendo. Given the name Nintendo Game & Watch, manufactured between 1980 and 1991.
This portable game is a game that uses a single LED screen. So one console only have 1 game only.
At that time, at least 59 games released to the market, including the most successful, Donkey Kong, Legend of Zelda and Mario Bros..
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).
Some people know him as Nintendo, but the one that has a long name Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).
First introduced in Japan in 1983, NES began melanglangbuana in 1985 in North America and Europe 1986.
NES itself is a console-based 8-bit game. Several years later, couples get a NES controller NES zapper gun.
Super Nintendo
Success with the NES, the Japanese company is making a sequel as Super Nintendo Entertainment System or better known as the Super Nintendo. These devices get an increase to 16-bit.
In his time, the device was released in 1990 in Japan, 1991 in North America and 1992 in Europe and Asia. Super Mario World, Street Fighter II and SimCity achieve success with this device.
Virtual Boy
No, no. This is not a tool for grilling barbeque, but this is the first 3D console Nintendo makers, called the Virtual Boy.
Indeed, his name familiar to some circles, it's natural because the product is not sold except in Japan and the United States.
The device is claimed by Nintendo to use true 3D graphics, Virtual Boy also comes with a headset to see images from 2D to 3D. Unfortunately, the 3D graphics display turns getting criticism from various circles.
It also became one of the causes of the Virtual Boy failed in the market.
Game Boy
Who is his childhood after school, squat while playing Nintendo Boy bound by the merchant? Yes, this is the Nintendo Game Boy, sebuat portable gaming console that can steal the show in the 1990's.
Indeed, the Game Boy was released in 1989 in Japan and the United States. While still carrying the 8-bit Game Boy is much more inferior than consoles Game and Watch, especially in terms of design.
Game Boy Color
Successor to the Game Boy present smaller, slimmer, with a bigger and AB button batteries better than ever.
As the name implies, Game Boy Color, comes with full color graphics. These devices hit the market in 1998.
Nintendo 64
1996 or 1997 began the era of 64-bit, in which the Nintendo 64 to the first in a family of Nintendo. The device is classified as a success, because it is able to sell 32.93 million units worldwide.
Present in 2001, the GameCube was released by Nintendo to compete with their arch-rivals, Sega Dreamcast and new challengers from Microsoft Xbox and Sony PlayStation 2.
As is known, to play this console, the GameCube uses MiniDVD. GameCube also made a breakthrough, as the Nintendo console that supports online gameplay.
Launched in 2006, the Nintendo Wii is the console with significant changes being changed by Nintendo since the Nintendo 64.
There are innovations offered by these devices, one of which is in addition to the Wii Remote makes players not only silent, but asked to move to play.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Sony Develops Hybrid Gamepad for PlayStation
Sony Gamepad PlayStation - Many enthusiasts are familiar with the game definitely belongs Playstation console gamepad. Gamepad that has existed since the first series of the Playstation's presence has become distinctive characteristics for the console made by Sony.
Seeing this, Sony has recently published a breakthrough in the world of gamepad. Called breakthrough for Sony combines two types of controllers in one hand.
Unfortunately the Playstation controller that has implemented the motion sensor, the Playstation Move, popularity did not feel it. Perhaps because of the many gamers who prefer a gamepad with conventional models.
Uniquely, the gamepad will be split into two. If separated, it will function like the Playstation Move motion sensor controller that currently exist.
Hybrid controller called 'Hybrid Separable Motion Controller' it will be shaped similar to a typical gamepad Playstation. But at the top of the gamepad there are two orb (orb) as on the Playstation Move.
Our Quoted from Megagames, Sunday (09.12.12), the hybrid controller has registered patents by Sony since the month of May 2011 it will also be equipped with a magnetometer, accelerometer, gyroscope, vibration motors and speakers in it.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Hacker Chris Paget Joined So Apple Security Team
Chris Paget Apple Security Team - experience that never found a big bug in Windows Vista, makes this woman managed to lure hackers Apple. As a result, he is now officially a part of Apple's security team.
One of the most successful story is making the launch of Windows Vista is delayed, because he along with a team of other hackers find the bugs before the release of the OS globally.
Kristin was Paget who previously had the name 'stage' Chris Paget, who will soon be joining the company from Cupertino. Previously, Paget had worked at Microsoft.
As we quoted from Softpedia, Friday (07/12/2012), is not known in detail what tasks will be run by Paget at Apple headquarters.
"We managed to find a lot of bugs from shipping Vista," he said in 2011, at the Black Hat Las Vegas event. "We are proud to be able to find these bugs and overcome."
Thursday, December 6, 2012
SimCity Attacked Disaster
SimCity Attacked Disaster - Electronic Arts (EA) has posted a video of the latest version of SimCity. The more similar a city in the real world, EA adds disasters that cause emotions in SimCity. The game was certainly going to be more exciting.
In previous versions, a disaster just cause 'accidents' in the game the algorithm. For example, the effect is simply to reduce the population of the city and led to the building should be rebuilt.
In addition to the disaster, the city simulation game will also have a wider variety of building, type of road and transport methods. Simulation environments like in the real world also presented.
Well, in the latest version, as reported by TG Daily, Wednesday (05/12/2012), each individual SimCity tracked and tersimulasikan. Thus, players can see how the disaster affects the characters in SimCity. When a disaster occurs, there is a game of emotion such as sadness, fear, and so on.
The latest version of SimCity will be available in March 2013. For those who can not wait, can order through the website first official EA. Here is the link for the video version of SimCity.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Facebook-Zynga Relations
San Francisco - Facebook once closely associated with Zynga. If have a Facebook account, the relationship is characterized by 'In Relationship' on their profile status. But now, their relationship seems to be changed to 'It's Complicated'.
Facebook itself began to restrict the ability of Zynga on Facebook since March 2012. That is, Facebooker would rarely see Zynga game promotion. Instead, there will be more games from publishers other than Zynga.
Some time ago, Zynga is already showing indications to gradually remove the dependency on Facebook. Though a series of game such as FarmVille, becoming known and popular through Facebook.
"We streamline deal with Zynga. Thus use the Facebook platform by set policy similar to that applied to the whole ecosystem," said Facebook.
Facebook statement as reported by TechRadar, and we quoted on Tuesday (12/04/2012) explains, this action is only a matter of 'downsizing' agreement between the two.
Relations Zynga and Facebook started tenuous since Zynga launched its own gaming site, Zynga seemed to distance themselves from Facebook, especially when social networking game publishers know that Facebook relies on Zynga reap profits in the USD 445 million per year.
"We will continue to work with Zynga, just as we do with all the game developers of all sizes," he added.
Before Facebook sign up IPO (Initial Public Offering) in May, the profit portion occupies 12 percent of the total annual income Facebook.
Facebook itself began to restrict the ability of Zynga on Facebook since March 2012. That is, Facebooker would rarely see Zynga game promotion. Instead, there will be more games from publishers other than Zynga.
Some time ago, Zynga is already showing indications to gradually remove the dependency on Facebook. Though a series of game such as FarmVille, becoming known and popular through Facebook.
"We streamline deal with Zynga. Thus use the Facebook platform by set policy similar to that applied to the whole ecosystem," said Facebook.
Facebook statement as reported by TechRadar, and we quoted on Tuesday (12/04/2012) explains, this action is only a matter of 'downsizing' agreement between the two.
Relations Zynga and Facebook started tenuous since Zynga launched its own gaming site, Zynga seemed to distance themselves from Facebook, especially when social networking game publishers know that Facebook relies on Zynga reap profits in the USD 445 million per year.
"We will continue to work with Zynga, just as we do with all the game developers of all sizes," he added.
Before Facebook sign up IPO (Initial Public Offering) in May, the profit portion occupies 12 percent of the total annual income Facebook.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Graphic FarCry 3 The Exceptional
About Graphic FarCry 3 - As one of the most highly anticipated game, FarCry 3 leak finally revealed clearly. Following the launch event which will be conducted in the near future, in the form of leaked screenshots of the game is guaranteed to make gamers upset the viewer.
For the sequel this time, players will be invited back into the tropical island filled with hedge trees much like in FarCry first series, but with more impressive graphics course.
Games that claimed the world would have a game 10 times larger than the previous series is also going to offer a more natural life and for the players.
Abductions are carried out by the group on behalf of himself as Vaas was related to human trafficking syndicates.
FarCry 3 tells a group of young men who are on holiday in a tropical area in mainland Africa. But instead of the fun, they instead faced with the kidnapping.
It dared to believe because he has the ability to fight and survive in the open.
Luckily one of the group that kidnapped the young man - named Jason Brody - managed to break away and intends to free all his friends who were kidnapped by a group Vaas.
However, further explained, the PC version will get a touch better graphics than the console versions.
FarCry 3 which will be published by Ubisoft, the plan will be released on Tuesday (12/04/2012) U.S. time, simultaneously for Playstation 3, Xbox 360, while the PC was first on 29 November.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Rent Game Microsoft Xbox 360
Rent Game Microsoft Xbox 360 - Normally, gamers have to spend a certain amount of money to play the game he wants, but this one is different game. Microsoft 'rent' in a matter of hours.
This application will make gamers together to sing along with the lyrics scrolling on the screen. Avatar the players would waddle on stage following the pounding rhythm, similar to a real concert atmosphere.
Schemes such business is not going to apply to all the games, Microsoft plans a new start through karaoke applications that are immediately available for Xbox 360 via Xbox Live at the end of this year.
As we quoted from Megagames, Saturday (01/12/2012), unfortunately there is no further information about the cost of 'rent' every hour in order to sing through the application.
There are about 8 thousand songs that can be played through the app. But if you want to try the free version, gamers can hum the tune randomized limited by the system.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Nintendo Wii U specs Rumors
Nintendo Wii U specs Rumors - Ahead of the release some time ago, Nintendo Wii U claimed to have the outstanding specifications. It could even beat the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. But it did not.
Inevitably, it led to various rumors about the specifications of the Nintendo Wii which (he says) advanced. For example, a quad-core 3 GHz, 1 GB RAM, and ATI Radeon GPU with 40 nm fabrication.
Nintendo was never explicitly mentions full specs Wii U, they just confirmed that the console has an incredible kitchen runway.
As we quoted from gamingbolt, Friday (11/30/2012), after surgically known that the Nintendo Wii U have a triple core 1.2 GHz processor. Far behind the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 are up to 3 GHz per core.
But now that the market, there are some hackers who have dissected the console to see how sophisticated hardware in it, one of which is Marcan.
But the most interesting is the Nintendo Wii U turns out to have a security system similar to the previous console.
"It was a Three PowerPC 750, the same model with the Wii Broadway.'s Just his larger cache," the hacker wrote.
Affairs Nintendo Wii U graphics card equipped with a GPU clock of 550 MHz. With these specifications, the console is presumably not be able to play a class game Black Ops 2, Mass Effect 3, or Batman Arkham City.
Inevitably, it led to various rumors about the specifications of the Nintendo Wii which (he says) advanced. For example, a quad-core 3 GHz, 1 GB RAM, and ATI Radeon GPU with 40 nm fabrication.
Nintendo was never explicitly mentions full specs Wii U, they just confirmed that the console has an incredible kitchen runway.
As we quoted from gamingbolt, Friday (11/30/2012), after surgically known that the Nintendo Wii U have a triple core 1.2 GHz processor. Far behind the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 are up to 3 GHz per core.
But now that the market, there are some hackers who have dissected the console to see how sophisticated hardware in it, one of which is Marcan.
But the most interesting is the Nintendo Wii U turns out to have a security system similar to the previous console.
"It was a Three PowerPC 750, the same model with the Wii Broadway.'s Just his larger cache," the hacker wrote.
Affairs Nintendo Wii U graphics card equipped with a GPU clock of 550 MHz. With these specifications, the console is presumably not be able to play a class game Black Ops 2, Mass Effect 3, or Batman Arkham City.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
100 Thousand Gamers Protest, Demands GTA 5 There Is PC Version
Rockstar Games - Rockstar launch of the game is already ensuring that the most eagerly awaited GTA V in October 2013. But unfortunately they are determined only for the launch of the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
When we try to see the petition in question to the site, until Friday (11/30/2012) afternoon has collected more than 105 thousand GTA game enthusiast who has participated.
Not content with the launch of GTA V are only available for the console, the game is a big fan of known named Mike Julliard, a petition on the website requesting that helped launch Rockstar for GTA V game on the PC platform.
In a petition made, Mike said his hopes for the launch of GTA V on the PC platform is that mod that can be done in the game so it makes it more interesting to play.
In fact, Mike initially targeting only 100 thousand GTA enthusiast who fills the petition. As a result, having surpassed the desired amount, Mike re-add the target up to 150 thousand people.
The contents of the petition are:
Rockstar Games
Please release GTA V on PC. GTA games have been a large part of so many people's lives and it's a big shame not seeing the newest iteration of the game being released on the most powerful platform. Things like modifications have always been a HUGE part of PC gaming and modded GTA is some of the most insanely fun times you can have.
I hope you consider the release of GTA V on the PC as it'll be the make many people very happy!
When we try to see the petition in question to the site, until Friday (11/30/2012) afternoon has collected more than 105 thousand GTA game enthusiast who has participated.
Not content with the launch of GTA V are only available for the console, the game is a big fan of known named Mike Julliard, a petition on the website requesting that helped launch Rockstar for GTA V game on the PC platform.
In a petition made, Mike said his hopes for the launch of GTA V on the PC platform is that mod that can be done in the game so it makes it more interesting to play.
In fact, Mike initially targeting only 100 thousand GTA enthusiast who fills the petition. As a result, having surpassed the desired amount, Mike re-add the target up to 150 thousand people.
The contents of the petition are:
Rockstar Games
Please release GTA V on PC. GTA games have been a large part of so many people's lives and it's a big shame not seeing the newest iteration of the game being released on the most powerful platform. Things like modifications have always been a HUGE part of PC gaming and modded GTA is some of the most insanely fun times you can have.
I hope you consider the release of GTA V on the PC as it'll be the make many people very happy!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Asus ROG Tytan Review
Asus ROG Tytan Review - Remember the Asus ROG Tytan Desktop CG 8580 the 'Eaters' all game? Asus made gaming PC is indeed able to provide an excellent experience when used to play the game.
Specifications are indeed countless devastating. So most of the games are run using PC gaming worth USD 3999 will be played smoothly without lagging.
But actually, what the hell is behind the casing wrapping in the dark? Yuk, peep the innards are pinned on a gaming PC so that it earned the nickname 'glutton' all game.
Graphic high specification
This is the part that is most important for gamers. Because of the existence of the graphics card will determine the quality of the graphics displayed when playing a 3D game view.
Not wanting to disappoint its users, Asus also embed a high-end graphics card made in the nVidia GTX 680.
The graphics card takes up two slots the spot, have speeds above 1 GHz core and memory speeds of up to 6 GHz, it can be achieved due to the use 2GB GDDR5 memor.
Liquid Cooled Processor
Everybody knows that the processor is a major part of a computer. But to get high performance when used to play the game 'heavy', the processor used must have a powerful specification in order to accommodate the games to be played.
To satisfy users, confidently embed Asus Intel Core i7 3770K to arm the PC gaming homemade. Not enough, Asus still overclock the processor speed of 3.5 GHz which should only be 4.2 GHz.
Speed of 4.2 GHz is even surpassed the speed of the Core i7 3770K TurboBoost mode is active only 3.9 GHz.
Still not satisfied, Asus still provides instant overclocking button that can instantly increase the processor speed to 4.4 GHz and 4.6 GHz.
Memory 16 GB
To support the performance of the processor to be optimized, embedded memory also has a fairly large capacity which is 16 GB.
Capacity obtained from 4 pieces Memory DDR3-1600 using the name Asint paired dual channel mode, so that the resulting bandwidth is greater.
Unfortunately, the display memory is carried by CG8580 look less 'grim'. So it looks out of balance when paired with other devices such high end graphics cards and liquid-cooled processors.
Specifications are indeed countless devastating. So most of the games are run using PC gaming worth USD 3999 will be played smoothly without lagging.
But actually, what the hell is behind the casing wrapping in the dark? Yuk, peep the innards are pinned on a gaming PC so that it earned the nickname 'glutton' all game.
Graphic high specification
This is the part that is most important for gamers. Because of the existence of the graphics card will determine the quality of the graphics displayed when playing a 3D game view.
Not wanting to disappoint its users, Asus also embed a high-end graphics card made in the nVidia GTX 680.
The graphics card takes up two slots the spot, have speeds above 1 GHz core and memory speeds of up to 6 GHz, it can be achieved due to the use 2GB GDDR5 memor.
Liquid Cooled Processor
Everybody knows that the processor is a major part of a computer. But to get high performance when used to play the game 'heavy', the processor used must have a powerful specification in order to accommodate the games to be played.
To satisfy users, confidently embed Asus Intel Core i7 3770K to arm the PC gaming homemade. Not enough, Asus still overclock the processor speed of 3.5 GHz which should only be 4.2 GHz.
Speed of 4.2 GHz is even surpassed the speed of the Core i7 3770K TurboBoost mode is active only 3.9 GHz.
Still not satisfied, Asus still provides instant overclocking button that can instantly increase the processor speed to 4.4 GHz and 4.6 GHz.
Memory 16 GB
To support the performance of the processor to be optimized, embedded memory also has a fairly large capacity which is 16 GB.
Capacity obtained from 4 pieces Memory DDR3-1600 using the name Asint paired dual channel mode, so that the resulting bandwidth is greater.
Unfortunately, the display memory is carried by CG8580 look less 'grim'. So it looks out of balance when paired with other devices such high end graphics cards and liquid-cooled processors.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Nintendo Predicted to Make Mini Wii
Nintendo Make Mini Wii - Phenomenon gadget 'mini' like the Apple iPad and the Samsung Galaxy S III reportedly transmitted to Nintendo. Vendors Japanese game console that was mentioned also working on Wii Mini.
Inevitably, the news was immediately catapult the issue of the existence of the Wii console Nintendo mini are being prepared.
Some rumors claim that Nintendo will do a redesign of the original Wii console. Well, refreshment made one will be expanded in size, which would be smaller.
Nintendo has just selling debut their newest console, the Wii U, in the United States. This latest generation of consoles were sold until sold out.
Unfortunately, there is no clear measure matter how small the size of a mini Wii, or leakage model. Even so, another issue mentioned that the latest edition of the Wii is likely to be pegged at the rate USD 130. Similarly, as quoted us from Slahgear, Sunday (11/25/2012).
Limited stock makes the Nintendo Wii already show signs of discharged at various stores. One proof that there are more Wii U sold on auction sites at a price higher than the price that was originally about $ 300. There are approximately 2,500 Wii U auctioned on website eBay.
Wii U marketed Sunday (11/18/2012) the middle of the night U.S. time. The line snaking across multiple points of sale, such as the Nintendo World store in New York City.
Remarkably, through its innovative controller, gamers can perform setup or display information of games played while games are being played still appear on the screen.
The new Nintendo console did have significant differences compared to the previous generation of Nintendo consoles. He supports full HD resolution as its competitors, Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation 3.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Developer Game Performance Dental Ina Asia in Paris
Developer Game Asia in Paris - Two game from developer Ina, Agate Studio and Nightspade, the opportunity to show off in Paris, France, in the Game Connection event held 28 to 30 November 2012.
For Agate, their participation in this prestigious event not only to enjoy the beauty of the city of fashion, but also to improve the quality of the game in the future.
Their participation is an invitation from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ina (Parekraf) in order to enhance the quality of the creative industries in the country.
In addition, this event will also provide a good insight to the game developer to be able to survive in the business environment both in easy or difficult situations.
Game Connection Event will basically focuses on the B2B world where all game developers will be exposed to the business world, so the production of the game can also be a source of good income.
From this event, is expected to appear other creative seeds that can advance to the international scene, particularly the local game developer. Agate Studio also hopes to improve communications between the game developers from other countries.
Participation Agate Studio at Game Connection is a form of government support to the growth of the local game developer.
"A great honor because we were invited to Paris in order to introduce the existence of Ina in the international gaming industry. Through opportunities like this, too, Ina can follow the rapid development of the gaming industry out there," said Andrew as Chief Marketing Officer who is also a co-founder of Agate Studio, in his statement to us, Friday (23/11/2012).
"We hope our visit to Paris this could be a beautiful memory, add insight, and can establish a good relationship with game developers overseas so that we can learn a lot from them," said Vincent, co-founder of Agate Studio which will set foot in Paris.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Update Software Can Ruin Nintendo Wii U
Update Software Nintendo Wii U - Nintendo Wii U warns consumers to be more careful if you want to update the software. Because if one of the steps, the console can be damaged and can not be used again.
"It took an hour or more to perform the update. Turning off the console during the process can damage your console," writes a warning to users of Nintendo Wii U.
Update software for the Wii U is going to take a few hours. For that Nintendo has appealed to impatient gamers, and do not turn off the console during the update process takes place.
Although relatively new, but Nintendo has issued a software update for the console. This is done to patch.
Nintendo Wii U is indeed one of the most anticipated gaming consoles. Evidence, game console sold out immediately in the first day of sales in the United States, Sunday (18/11) midnight local time. A week later a new sliding console in Japan and Europe.
Monday, November 26, 2012
New Accessories For iPad Steering
iPad Steering - Accessories for iPad is a lot of dress, but a device that is arguably unique and nice. Just look at the shape that would conjure up the iPad so the steering wheel of the car.
This is the steering wheel accessories that require users iPad puts her at the center of the gadget enhancement.
Finally, most users do not enjoy racing games since suffering intense soreness in the hand holding the device is due to hold it too long while playing.
Users who like to play racing games on the iPad does feel less lost interest in the act of having to rotate it at the Apple's flagship tablet without a steady grip and support.
Interestingly, users are required to pair the iPad in the center of his steering wheel so that the gamer can feel the atmosphere of racing games more lifelike.
Seeing these conditions, the steering wheel labeled Kolos is trying to offer the experience of playing racing games more realistic for users of the iPad and without fear of experiencing stiffness in the hands.
Besides the grip steering wheel has used materials and anti slip comfortable grip making it more steady when held.
Steering wheel also has an auto center has a mechanism that makes it more realistic because it feels like using a steering wheel that features power steering.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Sales of Nintendo Wii U on the first day
Sales of Nintendo Wii U - Nintendo Wii U eventually be marketed first in the United States before visited other areas. This latest generation of consoles were sold until sold out.
Fans became angry at the famous game store, GameStop. Therefore, the store is not open earlier, but the fans can not wait to taste the Wii U.
Wii U marketed Sunday (18/11) midnight U.S. time. The line snaking across multiple points of sale, such as the Nintendo World store in New York City.
One proof that there are more Wii U sold on auction sites at a price higher than the price that was originally about $ 300. There are approximately 2,500 Wii U auctioned on website eBay.
Limited stock makes the Nintendo Wii already show signs of discharged at various stores. Reported TechRadar and we quoted from TechRadar, Monday (11/19/2012), some consumers have been difficult to get the goods.
Nintendo Wii U controller is the next great thing on this console. The new controller has a screen that is connected wirelessly to the Wii U.
The new Nintendo console did have significant differences compared to the previous generation of Nintendo consoles. He supports full HD resolution as its competitors, Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation 3.
Amazingly, through this controller players can do the setup or display information of games played while games are being played still appear on the screen.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Xbox 720 Specifications
Xbox 720 Specifications - Finally after passing only through rumors, rumors about the detailed specifications of the Xbox 720 began to unfold. Predictable, the latest generation of Microsoft's console will only be carrying the name of the Xbox later.
Microsoft finally use Blu-ray for the champion game on consoles. Other features are also added is the ability to record live TV, in addition to improvisation on the audio side that will be able to display voice thick with the feel of three-dimensional (3D).
In addition, Microsoft is also going to introduce Kinect 2.0, which is also the tergress generation that will be able to recognize up to four players at once. Even so details, Kinect 2.0 supposedly able to recognize up to form the radius users.
Another interesting thing that also leaked by Xbox World Magazine is a new controller by Microsoft called 'innovative controller'. This device is claimed to be offering a different sensation than the controller belongs to Nintendo Wii U, despite using the same concept ie touch screen display.
Offal console is said to be carrying the quad-core processor, with each core will be loaded with its four logical cores. So it can be said that console have 16 logical cores are embedded. To accompany him pinned the RAM with a capacity of 8 GB.
Our Quoted from Megagames, Monday (11/19/2012), the most interesting of all the rumors about the actual display is involved exposure of the latest generation of Microsoft's console, though still in the form of 3D rendering.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Income COD, Black Ops II Up to $ 500 Million Per day
Income COD Black Ops II - As expected, the initial launch of the game Call of Duty: Black Ops II hugely successful. Even more than that, the results announced by Activision Blizzard, COD sequel is a fantastic success record numbers, ie half a billion dollars.
The result is of course very beneficial not only in terms of purse money. Because according to the report, the good news makes Activision shares rose by 3%. Although one observer said, success is the result of a combination of COD and Skylander - Another game from Activision also launched to the game store.
According to the game's studio, COD: Black Ops II is able to produce a sales value of $ 500 million. A new record and a fantastic achievement considering it is printed within 24 hours aka the day after the game was officially released to the world. So that was quoted by the Financial Express, Saturday (11/17/2012).
Indeed, the amount lost, but that number is quite remarkable, especially Halo 4 just released exclusively for the Xbox 360. Sales of that also allegedly beat the film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 and The Avengers the same period.
What was achieved by COD: Black Ops II had passed from the Halo 4 being released almost simultaneously. Just a note, according to Microsoft, Halo 4 a day to generate sales of $ 220 million.
Just a note, the previous version of the COD games, the Modern Warfare 3 successful sales record $ 400 million in a single day. They need 16 days to make up the record sales of $ 1 billion.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
PlayStation 3 Sales More Than 70 Million Units
PlayStation 3 Sales - The gaming console PlayStation 3 (PS3) is one successful product Sony. Vendors from Japan has just announced that the PS3 has sold 70 million units.
The growth has made the PS3 compete with the Xbox 360. Microsoft made console also has sold a total of about 70 million units.
Our quoted from PCMag, Saturday (11/17/2012), the accumulated amount of PS3's debut in 2006 until early November 2012 or in about 6 years.
In addition to the PS3, Sony also announced a number of sales-based motion controller, PlayStation Move. Move the slide in 2010 achieved sales of 15 million units.
However, sales of both are behind the Nintendo Wii. As many as 96 million Wii units have been sold since its release in 2006.
Sony seems to still be relying on PS3 and have not released a new generation in the near future. As a refresher, they recently introduced a slim version of the PS3 is much more streamlined than the regular version.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Steve Wozniak's in iOS Game
San Francisco - Steve Wozniak's in iOS - View Steve Wozniak in a variety of media may be familiar. Well, Apple's founder will also be existing in a game.
Our quoted from Cnet, Thursday (15/11/2012), djadwalkan game on November 22 is likely to be used as a promotional tool as well as Trejo movie 'Vengeance', which will release next year.
Danny Trejo's Vengeance 'Woz with a Coz' is a new game that is ready to be released for iOS devices. Here, a friend of the late Steve Jobs will appear as a playable character.
Woz and Woz told J-are enjoying a wonderful afternoon. This is where the chaos begins, J-Woz was kidnapped by a group of criminals. Duet Woz-Trejo had to be able to get back J-Woz safely.
In this game, Woz will work with Woz Trejo to save his wife, known as J-Woz. The plot is simple and entertaining story.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Countastic, Game Funny And Educate
Countastic Game - an exciting game it should not always about having fun without purpose. Games with a message that educates true science can be interesting, as long as nicely packaged.
This is trying to offer Countastic. This game is somewhat funny, but also educate. Essentially, gamers are invited to play while learning in the game. Well suited for children.
Game developed by Aruline Studio combines simple arithmetic operations with the gameplay is quite innovative and interesting touch control to produce games that are not only fun but also addictive and challenging thinking speed.
Countastic is a game with Brain & Puzzle category provides a sense of the numbers game and can be enjoyed by anyone.
Countastic presents a cute monkey character and genius named Num Num. This character is very fond of bananas, Prof. Owl therefore promised to give a gift a banana when Num Num successfully complete the math quiz.
This game is the winner of 2011 in the category ina Play Digital Idea Competition organized by Agate Studio and Kummara on 22-23 October 2011 at the Sasana Culture Ganesha, bdg.
But the players also have to be careful, because any special items had a negative impact that would be obtained if used at inappropriate times. In addition to Mr. Owl Shop also contained avatars and wallpapers that can be used so as to make a more attractive appearance.
With bananas obtained, players can unlock some special items on Mr. Owl Shop. Once to unlock, special item will appear as the game and can give you power-ups to help complete the game.
In this game there is also a system of achievement that would be obtained if the player managed to achieve a particular goal.
- Achievement System
Unlock a variety of achievement contained in Countastic Book One: Number Rumble mode.
- Mr Owl Shop
Unlock special items, avatar cool and attractive wallpaper with special price only in Mr. Owl Shop.
- Features Share Facebook and Twitter
Share to your friends how good at you playing through your Facebook and Twiiter you.
- Class Report
Check Num Num report card to see your game progress.
- Special Items
Increase score of the game with the help of special items, but be careful because the special items also have a negative effect.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Call of Duty: Black Ops II VS Halo 4
Call of Duty New Released - Eye hardcore gaming fans will soon be short of Halo 4. Euphoria game made by Microsoft was expected soon 'stolen' Call of Duty: Black Ops II were released in the same time.
As you know, Modern Warfare 3 successful sales record $ 400 million in one day in game store U.S. and the UK. This game even managed to earn $ 1 billion with a period of 16 days. So that we have quoted from the Telegraph, Tuesday (11/13/2012).
Yes, officially COD: Black Ops II will be sold in stores, especially in the UK starting on Wednesday (13/11/2012) local time. Predictable, this sequel will reap greater success than the previous series, COD: Modern Warfare 3.
Just for the record, according to Microsoft, Halo 4 a day to reap sales of $ 220 million.
This figure is quite remarkable, especially Halo 4 just released exclusively for the Xbox 360. Sales of that also allegedly beat the film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 and The Avengers the same period.
Game first-person shooter will be available for the PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Black Ops II plan will also be present in the version of the Nintendo Wii U on 18 November.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
How to Create a Simple Game Based Theme

=. Selection of Themes
Selection of an appropriate theme to be one important element of game development. According Aryf W, if from the beginning of the selection of the theme is wrong, so will lead to errors as well.
"Suppose we know ina, American football is not popular, but we have chosen to make American football game, it is definitely not sell," said Aryf W gives an example.
=. 'Thirty Days Experience'
Game makers must ensure, during the first 30 days of all the players happy. To create a loyal player and more like the game, developers can add features updates, tutorials and so on.
=. Selecting Core Loop
Core loop is a major activity of players during play. For example in FarmVille social game, the players put plants, waiting for the harvest, sell crops, earn money, grow more, and so on.
"If we look at each stage of the core loop, as we grow, there are various types of plants. When we harvest, there is a variety of ways to harvest. When we are shopping, there are variations in the house. Should make sure the core loopnya fun," he explained.
=. Got Content Pipeline
Finally, the pipeline content. Developer must have a plan to add any during the next period, the next year, and next to this game 'out'. "The average social game life cycle of 2-3 years," he concluded.
=. 'First Three Months'
Here, the game makers to make sure that during the first three months, the game is still interesting and fun effect on players.
Aryf W and his own team had an interesting experience in applying this recipe. That is when it released one of the best-selling game, Football Saga.
Aryf W is said, he and his team learned a lot from here. Things like this are not related to technical issues, but arguably his overall experience for the user may not be impressive.
"More like a work of art, for example, if we see an animated film, we can not say" the hand of one of his swing animation character ", but the whole experience did not seem exciting," he added.
"We only managed to Achieve first thirty days, the first three month we did not succeed. Least only 1-2 months. At the 3rd month are loyal only to survive, we still maintain today but we did not develop anymore," she said.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Halo 4 Sale Up to $ USD 220 million
Sales of Halo 4 - Halo 4, which recently launched scored a fantastic sales figures. According to Microsoft, the day, the game has managed to reap sales of $ 220 million.
This figure is quite remarkable, especially Halo 4 just released exclusively for the Xbox 360. Sales of that also allegedly beat the film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 and The Avengers the same period.
High sales was allegedly due to a lot of gamers who have been waiting for Halo 4. Moreover, the previous game, Halo 3, has been launched since 5 years ago.
But the IPO Halo 4 has not managed to break the success of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Previously, games made by Activision has sold $ 400 million in first day sales in the U.S. and the UK, and this has exceeded revenue made James Cameron film Avatar.
In addition to successfully carve record sales, Halo 4 game also received a good reception from the various game reviewer. Not a few of them who rate this game very intriguing from various aspects.
With sales worth USD 220 million in its first day, Halo 4 is predicted to pass through $ 300 million in its first week. Similarly, new game releases quoted from AllThingsD, Tuesday (11/13/2012).
Friday, November 16, 2012
Creative Industry In Game Baby
Industry Baby Games - A few years ago, might not think to take into account the games in the list of the country's creative industries. Now, like a little baby, the game was 'funny' developing and growing rapidly.
"The market is vast game ina really. Its market there, the potential exists, and continues to grow," said Aryf Widhiy, CEO of Agate Studio, one of the game developers from Bdg.
"In the world, the gaming industry is three times that of the film industry. Means ina also have the potential to get there. From the market, we are growing in leaps and bounds. Especially now that the economy has begun there. Could be that the industry," said the young man with glasses.
For a world scale, since the last five years the game has become the fastest growing industry. Even said Arief, the gaming industry began to beat the film industry.
Compared with Japan, even further. Maturity gap between ina and Japan, which is one of the oldest countries with the gaming industry, is 20-25 years.
But if you want to compare with overseas, according to Arief, it must be admitted that the game industry is still lagging far behind in ina. He mentioned, maturity gap or maturity range gaming industry in the country with foreign countries, is 15-20 years.
But Aryf himself saw the positive side of what he knew this. Because it is still the 'baby', he is actually an opportunity for the industry to expand ina game.
"So if any such be the biggest Agate ina, in the world we have not anything. Cashew nuts is called," joked Arief.
"We still have plenty of room to grow. If they've already fixed the term is," he concluded.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
FIFA 13 VS PES 2013 Review
FIFA 13 vs PES 2013 - When calling football games, then out the two most popular current titles, FIFA made Electronic Arts (EA) and Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) made by Konami.
Since the first, both have a strong fan base. Coincidentally, this year they launched the latest version of almost the same, the FIFA 13 and PES 2012.
FIFA from EA has the power in the more powerful graphics along, but rather weak in terms of gameplay. But ever since FIFA 12, the game is slowly taking shape for a more natural gameplay.
Consequently, when FIFA 13 will be launched from a speaker material between the ball game enthusiast.
Then be as PES 2013 and FIFA 13 are present, many gaming sites and penggilanya start comparing who is better. Including new game releases, when tested both these games to know and deserve the title of 'king of the green field'
Konami contrary, formerly PES gameplay is strong but a little lacking in the face of the player to make over digital form. Now change the graphical display becomes important to pamper the eyes plus gameplay yahud. A combination that is very fitting.
Consider the results of head to head his following.
Ronaldo vs Messi
Rivalry between FIFA 13 and PES 2013 is not just happening in game models and fan base alone.
Since the cover of the second game also featured a star shining, Barcelona's Lionel Messi and Real Madrid superstar Cristiano Ronaldo.
Konami still retains the famous gameplay flexibility in processing the ball.
For those that include PES loyal fans, there is no significant change in the play of the players. Changes rather feel of the game and techniques as goalkeeper.
From the experience of new game releases, famous players like Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi to Wayne Rooney in the more powerful kick or just passing.
For those who like to do teroboson bait tactics, getting pampered in PES 2013.
EA getting exclusive license from FIFA Pro. With the blessing of the world's football governing body, FIFA 13 can take advantage of all the logos, player name, jersey, stadium, etc. as well as possible.
FIFA 13 exploit fully licensed to enrich, not only Europe's top leagues leagues even to other countries, both in Asia, South America to Africa.
EA graphics processing experience no doubt. Here, the players look more real. Not only the face, hair pieces and even the size of the original height adjustable.
Just look at the face of Joe Hart - Manchester City goalkeeper and the England national team - under it, very detailed. Even down to poo lalatnya also very fitting.
Features & Tactics
Problem features, both are nearly the same may be said even with a different name. Want to play sparing with friends, pursue a career as a player and a manager or play online. Both were present for the players.
Differences occur would occur in a matter of changing the style of play and tactics.
In PES 2013, players are given more choice in tinkering with the tactics employed, while not as much in FIFA 13 and PES area in 2013.
Final Results
Konami maintain compelling game play and graphics enhance game EA. Both are equally good with the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Who love the game of tactics and bait measured breakthrough can choose PES 2013. But if this game with passing away and take advantage of wide-field, match play in FIFA 13.
The lack of complete as FIFA license, not a big deal for PES. Because some of the league and still give permission for use in PES 2013.
In addition to a matter of taste, his habit also a consideration. If you are old enough to wrestle and then suddenly moved to PES FIFA course will have 'jetlag'.
But if need everything yag more perfectionist in graphics, of course, FIFA 13 became the answer.
So which one is fit to be king of the gridiron? It is quite difficult as it was decided, considering they both offer more value.
Remember, more than that, sportsmanship uphold fair play can be learned from this game is far more important!
Since the first, both have a strong fan base. Coincidentally, this year they launched the latest version of almost the same, the FIFA 13 and PES 2012.
FIFA from EA has the power in the more powerful graphics along, but rather weak in terms of gameplay. But ever since FIFA 12, the game is slowly taking shape for a more natural gameplay.
Consequently, when FIFA 13 will be launched from a speaker material between the ball game enthusiast.
Then be as PES 2013 and FIFA 13 are present, many gaming sites and penggilanya start comparing who is better. Including new game releases, when tested both these games to know and deserve the title of 'king of the green field'
Konami contrary, formerly PES gameplay is strong but a little lacking in the face of the player to make over digital form. Now change the graphical display becomes important to pamper the eyes plus gameplay yahud. A combination that is very fitting.
Consider the results of head to head his following.
Ronaldo vs Messi
Rivalry between FIFA 13 and PES 2013 is not just happening in game models and fan base alone.
Since the cover of the second game also featured a star shining, Barcelona's Lionel Messi and Real Madrid superstar Cristiano Ronaldo.
Konami still retains the famous gameplay flexibility in processing the ball.
For those that include PES loyal fans, there is no significant change in the play of the players. Changes rather feel of the game and techniques as goalkeeper.
From the experience of new game releases, famous players like Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi to Wayne Rooney in the more powerful kick or just passing.
For those who like to do teroboson bait tactics, getting pampered in PES 2013.
EA getting exclusive license from FIFA Pro. With the blessing of the world's football governing body, FIFA 13 can take advantage of all the logos, player name, jersey, stadium, etc. as well as possible.
FIFA 13 exploit fully licensed to enrich, not only Europe's top leagues leagues even to other countries, both in Asia, South America to Africa.
EA graphics processing experience no doubt. Here, the players look more real. Not only the face, hair pieces and even the size of the original height adjustable.
Just look at the face of Joe Hart - Manchester City goalkeeper and the England national team - under it, very detailed. Even down to poo lalatnya also very fitting.
Features & Tactics
Problem features, both are nearly the same may be said even with a different name. Want to play sparing with friends, pursue a career as a player and a manager or play online. Both were present for the players.
Differences occur would occur in a matter of changing the style of play and tactics.
In PES 2013, players are given more choice in tinkering with the tactics employed, while not as much in FIFA 13 and PES area in 2013.
Final Results
Konami maintain compelling game play and graphics enhance game EA. Both are equally good with the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Who love the game of tactics and bait measured breakthrough can choose PES 2013. But if this game with passing away and take advantage of wide-field, match play in FIFA 13.
The lack of complete as FIFA license, not a big deal for PES. Because some of the league and still give permission for use in PES 2013.
In addition to a matter of taste, his habit also a consideration. If you are old enough to wrestle and then suddenly moved to PES FIFA course will have 'jetlag'.
But if need everything yag more perfectionist in graphics, of course, FIFA 13 became the answer.
So which one is fit to be king of the gridiron? It is quite difficult as it was decided, considering they both offer more value.
Remember, more than that, sportsmanship uphold fair play can be learned from this game is far more important!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
The initial design controller Wii U of paper Cardboard
Design controller Wii U Cardboard - Nintendo has shown a modest miracle while showing off a prototype controller Wii U. Called a miracle because it is a simple piece of cardboard shown through.
Is Kazuyuki Motoyama, UI Designer Hatena, who do it because they can not wait to quickly figure out how it should feel when gamepad is held. That's why the designers made the prototype design using only cardboard.
The initial design Wii U controller which is entrusted to the company partners Kyoto Nintendo Hatena Social Media Company, originally developed solely using cardboard.
However, an early prototype of the Wii U controller that originally made only of cardboard pieces, currently has performed out-the-box. In the future this type of controller may become the new standard in the world of gaming.
"In the middle of the night, I cut out pieces of cardboard and taped into an early prototype form," said Motoyama, as reported by Gamasutra, Monday (12/11/2012).
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