Monday, July 30, 2012

The effects of playing games, Kids Can Grow As 'Zombie'

The habit of playing the game until late at night can make children less sleep and always tired. Plus a reduced sensitivity to the social environment, the present generation of children are feared to grow like a 'zombie' alias undead.

"We observed a number of children all the time like a stoned out, not because of drug use but because of lack of sleep after playing the game all night," said Paul Bowser, who led the study, as quoted from Dailymail, Tuesday.

A charity that cares about the sport computer, South West Wing predicted the health of children who are addicted to playing video games would be very tragic. It is like stoned out, just not with stones but with a sense of fatigue due to sleep deprivation.

Regardless of the results of these studies, the habit of playing games on children is often associated with health risks. Play the game to make children less movement, so prone obesity and chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart problems.

Another point of concern to researchers is the lack of socialization or the ability to get along. Children who are addicted to the game will lose empathy or social sensitivity, making it similar to a zombie in a horror movie.

In fact, if used wisely, video games can improve health. For example if someone is feeling stressed because a lot of thought or trouble, the risk of depression can be reduced by venting the fatigue while playing the game.

Responding to the results of this study, a game store owner in Plymouth, Bradley Brown assessing this risk can be overcome with the assistance from parents. Especially today, many of those games that provide the setting for his own death if it is too long.

So while it Ultrabook Ready Rising Star ..

In addition to the smartphone market is still going to grow rapidly, a gadget that is believed to be the trend in 2012 is a thin laptop ultrabook. While the tablet PC is estimated to be stagnant.

For the smartphone market, Abbi estimates the market will be controlled by the dominance of the Android handset market share by 50%. While the remainder will be contested by the BlackBerry smartphone, IOS Apple, Nokia, and others.

"The tablet is too much. Apple iPad make, all will come to make. Tablet not exactly fail, but not significantly. Market is saturated and stagnant. In fact, its sales could fall trends at the end of the year," said Abbi projections.

While switching to another gadget, tablet PC development is projected to grow significantly. This is due to too much product diversification.

Another reason that makes the tablet PC into a stagnant market is in terms of portability and functionality. "The Ina to hold a rather large items will only be a secondary device. Average tablet functioned mostly for playing games. More than 60% for things that are fun, yet can be used as a substitute for a laptop or computer in full," he said.

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