Sunday, December 23, 2012

7 Thousand Units Nintendo Wii Taken Thief

7 Thousand Units Nintendo Wii Taken Thief - United States of America - One night while many people asleep, a group of thieves sneak into the warehouse containing 7000 Nintendo console. In an instant the whole product that was lost without a trace.

As we quoted from seattlepi, Wednesday (12/19/2012), due to the theft of local police estimating losses reached $ 2 million. No response from Nintendo about the theft.

Theft that occurred in Seattle, United States on Saturday night local time. The perpetrators allegedly used Forklift to move 64 pallets containing thousands of Nintendo consoles into 2 trucks that had been prepared.

Nintendo Wii is one gaming console that was popular in the United States, even its existence was eroding market share Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. However, with the presence of the Nintendo Wii U console is no longer manufactured.

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