Friday, December 7, 2012

Hacker Chris Paget Joined So Apple Security Team

Chris Paget Apple Security Team  - experience that never found a big bug in Windows Vista, makes this woman managed to lure hackers Apple. As a result, he is now officially a part of Apple's security team.

One of the most successful story is making the launch of Windows Vista is delayed, because he along with a team of other hackers find the bugs before the release of the OS globally.

Kristin was Paget who previously had the name 'stage' Chris Paget, who will soon be joining the company from Cupertino. Previously, Paget had worked at Microsoft.

As we quoted from Softpedia, Friday (07/12/2012), is not known in detail what tasks will be run by Paget at Apple headquarters.

"We managed to find a lot of bugs from shipping Vista," he said in 2011, at the Black Hat Las Vegas event. "We are proud to be able to find these bugs and overcome."

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