Saturday, November 10, 2012

Game development (Medal of Honor) Warfighter EA

Medal of Honor - In the development of the game "Medal of Honor: Warfighter ', Electronic Arts (EA) using a variety of consulting services. it turns out that one was from the United States Marines.

U.S. marines who participated in the development of the game 'MoH: Warfighter' itself amounted to 7 people. In fact one of them had been involved in an ambush that resulted in the killing of Osama Bin Laden, as reported by CBSNews.

It is intended that EA can make the game as realistic as possible, so we need the input of actors who have direct experience real war.

Through his official website, EA said that the game will bring manifold action-combat game into a new era by using a scenario approach in a real-world events. Therefore, military personnel directly involved in the war once the original is needed in development.

Suddenly alone, this triggers cons of the U.S. military. For the seven soldiers were considered the same leaking military secrets to the game developers.
As a result, the soldiers had to undergo internal military investigation.

The seven military personnel have now sanctioned by cuts in salary for two months and the worse is the possibility of losing the opportunity for advancement.

Not to know what has been revealed leakage, but allegedly confidential material related to military specification contained in the game.

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