Saturday, November 24, 2012

Xbox 720 Specifications

Xbox 720 Specifications - Finally after passing only through rumors, rumors about the detailed specifications of the Xbox 720 began to unfold. Predictable, the latest generation of Microsoft's console will only be carrying the name of the Xbox later.

Microsoft finally use Blu-ray for the champion game on consoles. Other features are also added is the ability to record live TV, in addition to improvisation on the audio side that will be able to display voice thick with the feel of three-dimensional (3D).

In addition, Microsoft is also going to introduce Kinect 2.0, which is also the tergress generation that will be able to recognize up to four players at once. Even so details, Kinect 2.0 supposedly able to recognize up to form the radius users.

Another interesting thing that also leaked by Xbox World Magazine is a new controller by Microsoft called 'innovative controller'. This device is claimed to be offering a different sensation than the controller belongs to Nintendo Wii U, despite using the same concept ie touch screen display.

Offal console is said to be carrying the quad-core processor, with each core will be loaded with its four logical cores. So it can be said that console have 16 logical cores are embedded. To accompany him pinned the RAM with a capacity of 8 GB.

Our Quoted from Megagames, Monday (11/19/2012), the most interesting of all the rumors about the actual display is involved exposure of the latest generation of Microsoft's console, though still in the form of 3D rendering.

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