Friday, August 17, 2012

Facility Media Campaign, It's on adver Game

If the game used as a medium of teaching, learning takes place is more effective because the game is supported by audio visual language to help facilitate understanding and build a fun atmosphere. In addition to the game generally does not dictate, but to 'experience' to the player, which means that the player took part in the learning process.

Nowadays more and more parents are aware, that the gaming activity is not only useless activities or just spend time. Through the game, learning takes place. Learning in the sense of emotional train, motor, logic, fantasy, and even some games that do not have a charge of knowledge acquired in school.

In ina, gaming as a medium of instruction to be a trend in the early 2000s. Call it media Bamboo, Common Interactive, Edugames, and some softwarehouse manufacture and sell gaming as a medium of instruction is packaged as an interactive CD.

Stories and audio visual interest, with the component obstacle (barrier) also return (reward) and punishment (punishment) in the game make it an enjoyable experience.

For example, a game or a game of Sundanese people. Popular game in ancient Sunda occupies an important position, in line with that expressed in the text of Torment Kanda Karesian Ng is a script that comes from Kabuyutan Ciburuy on the slopes of the mountain Cikuray South Main Page, which has put a game on its expertise in alignment with the expertise rhymes such as experts, musicians, a story or a mastermind, a forging, carving expert, an expert cook, a cloth and other expertise in Torment Kanda Karesian Ng.

Game or a game is nothing new in ina. Ina nation since time immemorial actually know, creating even utilize the game as a teaching medium.

(".... If you want to know the game, such as: ceta maceuh, ceta nirus, tatapukan, babarongan, babakutrakan, ubangubangan, neureuy five, munikeun le (m) bur, ngadu mortar, asup kana abandoned, ngadu nini: all sorts of games, ask Empul ... ")

It's not just occur in childhood. Of research on August 18, 2009 involving Emory and Andrews Universities found that of 500 adults aged 19 to 90 years in the Seattle and Tacoma, Washington, United States, about 45 percent of respondents noted that they play the game. Of the research also revealed that the average age of adult gamers that range in 35 years. From the description, then indeed, the game or the game was not confined to children.

However, if the game's only child? People are basically born a homo luden, being played. Being the ever-free. Being an independent, the bermainannya closely related to spontaneity, authenticity, and self-actualization into her fullest possible. Humans also have a high competitive nature, wanting to be superior over the others, this is in line with the nature of the game in general, to surpass the achievements of the opponent or the ability to overcome obstacles.

Meanwhile HelloFest What's in this time ..

Still like the previous year, this year HelloFest held in Bli Ktni jkt on Saturday, December 4th, 2010 at 11:00 to 22:00 pm. Based on the quoted HelloFest our blog, here are some of the order HelloFest 7.

HelloFest, a motion picture arts festival held yearly return. What's in the middle reaches HelloFest seventh time this year?

11:00 to 17:00 pm
Kostumasa (costumed audience) like last year, will still display its best performance on the main stage. Visitors can see various styles of action and the kostumasa directly.

MARKET HelloFest 7
11:00 to 21:30 pm
His name is also the market, so macem-macem contents ranging from gokil goods exhibition and sale of unique action figure - a unique, up to a bersliweran costumed spectators to and fro with his unique clothing.

20:30 to 21:00 pm
While waiting for the completion of counting votes by hand to the winner's work HelloFest 7, we can see the typical performance HelloFest special! This time that will appear is Pidi Baiq, a musician from bdg.

MAIN Screening
18:00 to 20:30 pm
Watch over 198 films from 25 finalists who entered. Divided into 3 sessions, interspersed with rest, and the announcement of the winner KostuMasa.

21.00 pm - Finish
Be witness HelloFest Award winner! Helped celebrate the victory!

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