Saturday, August 18, 2012

Nvidia, AMD accuses Fraudulent Conduct

The picture quality may still be somewhat subjective, but the numbers generated from the application of an absolute benchmark has been ascertained. Well, Nvidia pointed out that AMD commit fraud by manipulating the benchmark results.

Allegations made by Nvidia is not without foundation, they have dissected the entire contents of the latest AMD drivers and found some irregularities. For example, the driver removes the optimization of texture filtering when rendering graphics in a certain size that resulted in the average frames per second (FPS) increases.

It is expressed directly by Nvidia via his official blog that we cited. In a statement, Nvidia considers that competitors have reduced image quality with the latest drivers, Catalyst 10.10. Consequently, the results of tests performed was considered unfair because the picture quality is different.

Fraud committed was claimed Nvidia AMD affects a variety of methods of benchmark, whether it's DirectX 11-based applications or games that still use DirectX 9 as Need for Speed ​​Shift and the Dawn of War 2.

Meanwhile, the Xbox 360 Not Just for Games ..

The first time since its launch, Xbox 360 gamers who demand a lot of straight forward game with superior graphics display. As a result the Xbox 360 is more intended for the hardcore gamer than the other consoles such as Nintendo Wii.

Ever heard of Microsoft's Xbox 360? It seems everyone agrees that it is a console game. But did you know that based on the data, only 60% have used it to play the game. And for what?

In the event titled Capital Markets Digital Entertainment Conference in New York, Dennis Durkin as Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Financial explained that the console is not only used for gaming.

However, after the presence of HD DVD drive in the console, the Xbox 360 directly change the function. Moreover, supported by the Xbox Live video store and Netflix integration services.

It seems that game consoles have experienced a shift in values, not as a game center, but also an entertainment center.

In the U.S., Xbox 360 owners a lot more to do other activities outside the game. "Among these are watching a video on Netflix, listening to music, and social networking activities," said Durkin told us of hothardware.

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