Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Online Game, Cause Pregnancy and Drug Addiction

Beijing - It seems the Chinese government will not stop criticizing the game online or negative side of the cyber world. Not long ago, China's official news channels blaming the popularity of some online games as the cause of problems such as drugs, teen pregnancy and even murder.

Claimed that the man committed murder because they need money to buy virtual goods from games. "He killed 5 people, and the reason he threw himself in the world of crime is because adiksinya on violent video games," it is in the report.

In a program titled "Confession of a Murderer - Focus on Por#ography and Violence in Online Games", China Central Television Station (CCTV) coverage of a man convicted in a prison for life.

This month, CCTV also showed how some young people report craving medication to maintain stamina when playing games. Because, for the whole night playing games, for example, they obviously need extra energy doping.

Next, turn on the news report about a 14-year girl who is pregnant with a man she met via an online game. The girls played a negative element of the game called 'Audition', which allegedly triggered the youth happy to have intercourse.

The Chinese government has often block many online games as it is considered toxic to young people. Reported by Computerworld and quoted us, China has more internet users in the world and 210 million of them play the game online.

Meanwhile, Frustration Game Addiction Child, Mother Call the police ..

Playing video games often make people forget time, and even addiction. A mother is frustrated because his son was so addicted to playing games eventually calling the 911 emergency service.

"Sometimes I want to run away. I got support from my church, but I was alone. I want to help my son, but I do not know how," said Mejia half frustrated, as we quoted from Bostonherald.

angela Mejia, the name of the mother. Mejia was very upset with his son's custom is so enamored of playing games. The highlight of his frustration is when one day he was awake at 2:30 am, he saw the light in her room. Apparently the 14-year-old teenager is still fun to play Grand Theft Auto, but a few hours before Mejia had asked him to sleep.

"I've never bought that kind of video (GTA), never will. I call the police because if you do not obey your mother, what would you do in this life?" Mejia said.

In frustration, the mother finally decided to call 911 to request assistance service to the police that her son stopped playing games. Then the police came to their house and ask the child to stop playing games and go to sleep.

Mejia probably just one of the thousands of parents in this world who are frustrated with her game addiction. Given that today many choices of video games with a variety of themes that are ready anesthetize gamers.

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