Friday, August 3, 2012

Why Create Video Game Addiction ?

Playing video games is fun and sometimes addictive. What is so one of the main causes of this one game could make the fans seemed to not want to stop playing?

Yes, video games allow players to try the characteristics they want as an ideal version of yourself. For example, the ability to fly, disappear or become more confident.

Apparently, playing games make people feel closer to his ideal self. Games like The Sims and Call of Duty is very exciting because it allows players to adopt a new identity and experience more powerful force than in the real world.

Researchers led by Dr Andy Przybylski examines hundreds of games in the lab and thousands more in the outside world. The gamer plays a game type, of The Sims, Call of Duty to the World of Warcraft.

The conclusion was presented by scientists at the University of Essex, England. The new identity in the game such as gender or a different hero characters make gamers feel better about themselves. Game not as an escape from the real world, but as a means of achieving the ideal self.

"People spend a combined three billion hours per week to play the game but little is known scientifically what really makes them happy with it," said Dr. Andy.

Research results have been published in the journal Psychological Science. As quoted from DailyMail), researchers found people happy to be a character with a personal characteristic that they want to have to yourself.

"A game will be more fun when you get a chance to act and become your ideal self. Video games provide opportunities for people to take the role they want," he concluded.

While Microsoft's Advice to Prevent Death Gamer ..

Death of a British gamer is quite surprising. Chris Stanifort, adolescents aged 20 years, dying after 12 hours of nonstop fun to play game in Microsoft's Xbox console.

But the Microsoft bit much also feel guilty for the death of Chris. Quoted from the Times of India, they get issued a special statement that similar incidents do not recur.

Chris the parents do not want to blame the Xbox as the cause of the death of his beloved son. They stated, the error is more in their children who play the game too much.

Chris confirmed deaths due to blood clotting condition called deep vein thrombosis or DVT that led to fatal. To prevent this condition, there are some things you can do.

"We always encourage a responsible gaming through our educational campaign. We recommend that gamers do regular breaks for exercise or other activities," Microsoft said in a statement.

For example, when sitting, try on a regular basis or maybe every half an hour moving the moving body, especially in the area of ​​the foot. Then routinely performed jointly, such as walking, after sitting for an hour.

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