Saturday, August 4, 2012

Create New Games, Follow-up Between Trends and had the idea that

Create something, as well as for making games, based on various considerations and background. The game developers at the show to share their experiences about this.

"Online Game developed Majapahit set of ideals. Once finished, then we would think about how that game can be accepted by the market," said Ivan.

Ivan Chen who is a representative of the Majapahit Online said earlier he was making the game begins with idealism, the desire to make history-themed game ina kingdom in the past.

Discuss whether the game following the trend or the idea itself, Arief said he and his team have to share it. "Proportional only. Its not join the trend may be more high risk. But depending on conditions. About 70 percent of us joined the trend," he explained.

While Arief Widhiyasa of Agate Studio create games based on favorite. "We believe that we live Agate from happy. We also believe in playing games that will make people, simple as that," he said.

"It is legitimate search for profit. But other than profit, I also want to build value. That's the background so I chose the online gaming business. There are other things more important than just looking for profit. It's a matter of choice," he said.

Heru Nugroho said that Nusantara Online represents all employers, including the developer would have put the game first. But in making the game, he also tried to build another value. For example, making the game as a historical introduction.

Meanwhile, Local Game should dare to compete ..

game industry is relatively new in ina. The local players were expected to be the ruler in his own country.

Heru rate of collaboration is required by the local game developers. The number of players who will raise it up ina market that has a large population.

"Creativity is our hope at this time, another industry was difficult. It is not to pass again, the creative industries such as local games have mastered their own country," said Heru Nugroho, the developer Nusantara Online.

"The gaming industry is a new market. It takes people to develop the market together," he said.

Ivan Chen, developer of Majapahit Online, expressed similar opinions. The gaming industry in the country should not fall into foreign hands who just want to suck up money.

"We need to strengthen the domestic game industry, do not let events like for example the only freeport make profits," he concluded.

While Arief Widhiyasa of Agathe Studio hopes that local players can bertaji in their own country. Do not let foreign investors make profits too large, as is often the case in other industries.

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