Friday, August 24, 2012

Playing games on Android Can Use Wiimote

Android and Nintendo seems to have a special affinity. Therefore, playing games on Android phones can now use the Nintendo Wii controller (Wiimote).

The process was not long, can be completed in seconds. Users only need to go to the settings in the application and change the standard keypad on the phone to 'WiiController' and stay connected to the wireless Wiimote.

Of course it is necessary to implement additional special application called Android Wii Controller IME. Thus, through the application is priced at U.S. $ 3.99, users must synchronize the Wiimote with an Android phone that he used first.

For a while this application is exclusive only for the Android family. While the iPhone is famous for its unique support-unique application is still not able to.

Unfortunately, not all games can be played via the Wiimote. Therefore, the creator of this application is true collaboration is preparing for those who want to reminisce with old games. As Super Mario, Sonic, Bare Knuckle, and more.

While it Annoyed with Game, Men Bite Mom Alone ..

Playing games is sometimes pissed, especially if you lose all the time. But the behavior of one man is beyond common sense, annoyed at the game instead he bites his mother and raging on the road.

Williams, the incident was raging at his place and began to chase people with a baseball bat. He also bite his own mother in the ankle.

It was done by a man named James Williams in Denver, United States, as reported by ABC Denver we cited, Williams reportedly raging and doing beyond common sense just because upset in a game.

Still not finished, tantrums Williams continues with the action out of the car, fired a pellet gun at the window of a car and jumped into the police car came to arrest him. The police officer who came had to stifle Williams with an electric shock.

Then, as if not satisfied, Williams got into a car and started menabraki other vehicles. In addition to the other vehicle, he also hit a pedestrian and a tree.

No mention of what game is being played by Williams and why he got such a rampage. Fortunately, there was no loss of life in this bizarre incident.

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