Thursday, August 30, 2012

Users of Microsoft Game Hunting Illegal

Microsoft has stated his intention to pursue an illegal game players. The target is those who play the actual game has not been released officially.

Obviously, Toulouse said, gamers who play an official game will not be the target of Microsoft. Anti gaming operation to be executed this pirated Microsoft Xbox Live online gaming network.

Stephen Toulouse, Director of Policy and Enforcement, Xbox Live, Microsoft, revealing it via our official Twitter, as quoted from CVG, Tuesday (20/10/2009). "What we're after are games that are not legal. Know, when there are playing games that do not glide on Live when I know it should not be," said Toulouse.

As we quoted from GamePolitics, feared this includes the storage media of third parties. Though many users are using storage media that are priced lower than the official Microsoft Xbox 360 memory.

Still about Xbox Live, Microsoft will soon update the service on the Xbox 360 console. But it was strangely update will prevent the use of third-party devices that do not sanctioned Microsoft.

Anticipated move is also intended to obstruct those who want to outsmart the Xbox 360, for example, to play pirated games.

Meanwhile, Trojan Variant Aims Crazy Games Online ..

Mass multiplayer online games like World of Warcraft can penetrate the number of active online players around the world 10 million in January 2008, more than the entire population of Singapore.

Halo 2 Game of the day recorded sales of U.S. $ 125 million, earnings beat Spiderman in 3 days which generated U.S. $ 115 million. Of events in 2007 is of course we all agree that the gaming industry is not able to be messing around anymore. Look at popular games such as Ragnarok, Warcraft and the long-awaited Starcraft II can anesthetize players seemed to be in his own world.

And the bad news, in addition to stealing data from the World of Warcraft, the virus is spread also has the action of stealing account information Yahoo and Google.

According watchlist Vaksincom, either from infection data on the client computer and the ISP traffic was halted by the NNP (Norman Network Protector), a virus with W32/OnlineGames name has always ranked high in the spread of the virus in ina and even in August 2009 became the number one viral Alman and beat the virus Conficker.

Well, as the saying goes, there is sugar there are ants. In addition to drawing many players online if you want to pay a subscription fee to play and spend a lot of time to improve the ability of the characters he played the character. Apparently it also invites parties who want to steal the irresponsible character owned by players of World of Warcraft to make a virus that serves as trojans and keyloggers.

How to Spread

Many ways to trick the victim attempted to run the trojan. Some things are done as follows:

* Posting on a public forum, then give a link to download the file.
* Link to download flash player, but that is a trojan download and run.
* Post a link on the forum of the game as a game FAQ page, or by asking questions about some of the things in the game that included a link, to link up on the latest patches on certain games.
* Send an e-mail that included a link or a particular attachment.
* File sharing on a network, usually a executable file / application.

Thieves Information

In general, only a few variants OnlineGames trojan used to steal account information online game players will then be sent to the encrypted URL link destination by trojan TSB.

Trojan uses keylogging activity initially aim to get the username and password of online games. In the development of the trojan also trying to find information obtained based on a script that contains the following string: files, complete, accountname, text, and more.

For this is not just W32/OnlineGames.JGEV game account information online, but some of the other accounts were also stolen. In some variants of the trojan before just after a couple of online games such as World of Warcraft (WOW), Perfect World and Cabal Online. This Trojan is also looking for some accounts listed on the script file trojan that TSB:,,, and

Surely it would be very dangerous if successfully obtained important data such as usernames and passwords on bank accounts, credit cards and other stolen and sent to the link URL trojan maker TSB.

File Virus

Trojan files are downloaded and executed created using C + + language. Once the link or attachment is successfully run by the user (either intentionally or not), it will create some files in the system as follows:

* C: \ Program Files \ Manson (create the folder 'Manson')
* C: \ Program Files \ Manson \ liser.exe (60 kb)
* C: \ Program Files \ Manson \ liser.dll (24 kb)

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