Thursday, August 23, 2012

Playing Game Two Hours, Equivalent 'wear' Cocaine

A bizarre statement emerged from a therapist in England. According to him, playing the game for two hours is equivalent to using the 'single line' illicit drug, cocaine.

"Spending time (to play) for two hours at a gaming device is equivalent to using a line of cocaine in terms of feeling 'high' that it generates," said Pope assured.

As we quoted from GamePolitics, awkward statement was delivered by a therapist named Steve Pope of Lancashire, England. He made the remarks in the media Lancashire Evening Post.

Excerpt from 'Jack' is equally magical. "As if there are demons in my head and I could not stop. If parents try to stop, I could fit," said Jack.

Game is often considered to be an addiction, even in some countries there is a rehabilitation clinic for youth from gaming addiction. However, HOW compare games with harmful substances like drugs?

Pope's statement appeared in connection with the case of a 15-year-old gamer so-called game addiction. It is not clear whether the 'Jack' in this case is a real boy or just a mere fiction.

Meanwhile, the Direct Benefits of Information Technology Doctoral Scientific Work ..

For example, computer games are often considered playful thing. Often people do not realize that behind the computer game involved a fairly complex computing technologies, from databases, mathematics, computer graphics, and even artificial intelligence. Computer games are also not used as the software to spend time alone. But it is now also used for serious applications, such as for training in a simulated military training in the face of the battlefield.

Often the scientific aspects of the application or questionable academic benefit in everyday life. This is due to a problem or problems of daily papers are rarely appointed academics for being too simple and it sounded not too appropriate to be appointed as a research topic. But this phenomenon is attempted intruded by several researchers from the University Gunadarma is completing a doctoral program in Information Technology.

The research has developed a game engine-based games engine Open Source. This game was developed using a three-dimensional model of a hospital according to its original condition.

On May 26, 2010, the University Doctoral Program has graduated Bheta Gunadarma Wardijono Agus, who presented research in the field of computer games. In his doctoral research, Dr. Bheta develop serious games that simulate firefighting procedures in a hospital.

Improper handling can be caused by lack of understanding and the chaotic rescue techniques. By utilizing technology that presents game Virtual Reality simulation that models real conditions the nurses can practice with real conditions. The training is expected to take advantage of the system can be done effectively and efficiently because it does not need to involve the original patient.

The simulation system developed can be used as a training tool for hospital nurses in handling when there is a fire in the hospital. So that the nurses understand the rescue procedure should be done, so as to minimize the possibility of loss due to incorrect handling of a fire.

The ranking algorithms Web

Currently, the site where the local government can be regarded as a liability. Moreover, the presence of Obtaining Freedom Information Act. Currently, agencies are expected to provide information as a form of service to the wider society. The provision of information is expected to be easily accessed by the public, such as through Internet technology. Provision of information on the internet is the basic form of the implementation of eGovernment.

On the same day, an interesting topic that is a web-based relevance ranking algorithm that is applied to the site content governance. This study is a doctoral research program Dr. Widya Silfianti the same day present research results in open court doctorate. This method is very attractive for application in the process of evaluating a government site in ina.

The existence of a system will facilitate site pemerangkatan government to evaluate the site and make improvements to the information provided sites. Perangkingan The system is based on the relevance of the information content provided by the site pemeirntahan area. Measurements were also performed by counting the number of links to that site either inbound or outbound, and web access traffic as well as a wealth of information presented in the government web.

Perankingan system uses components that implement crawler agent technology. Crawler is commonly applied to the system search engine. As a case study is local government websites in ina, 'crawled' and conducted content analysis and performed perangkingan. So basically this system can also operate as a semantic search engine for local government websites.

Both the results of the study is an effort to make the University Gunadarma academic research more 'down to earth' alias grounded and close to the needs of the community.

It is expected national or international contributions from researchers and the academic world have become faster and more in the field of Information Technology.

The evaluation system is expected to help the government to improve the site manager of local government websites. For example it can be done by enriching the content according to the search community. Or add a link to, and also corrects the wrong link. The evaluation system is not intended to judge a site, but rather to help the self-evaluation of the site.

In an effort to disseminate the research results to the public, the results of doctoral research is presented in the public hearing held doctoral exams, in Auditorium D Campus.

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