Sunday, August 5, 2012

Culture of Indonesia, 'Gold Mine' Video Game

Indonesia is a country full of diversity, for example in the field of culture. Diversity is considered as a 'gold mine' for the developers to be used as a theme in a video game.

"Online Majapahit Indonesian arises because of the erosion of local cultural pride. Whereas many historical heritage in Indonesia and we want to lift the greatest," said Ivan Chen, developer of Majapahit in the event Ngopi Bareng Online.

Currently, there are some online games that are developed with the local cultural background. Call it the Majapahit Nusantara Online or Online. The developer has its own reasons why choosing Indonesia raised the original culture.

The same money with Ivan, Heru Nugroho as pembesut Online Nusantara Indonesia to assess the history very interesting online game made. He also had a mission to maintain the local culture in the midst of the invasion of foreign culture.

Majapahit was chosen because it is seen as the most powerful empire in the history of the country. The kingdom was probably the first time brings together virtually the entire archipelago in his power.

"We want to raise an appropriate value for the people of Indonesia. Our culture's different from Europe for example," he said.

Heru also choose to make video games as a medium for a wide range. Children for example, will better understand the story content through video games, because it can be played with fun.

Meanwhile Game Player Time Local ..

Sounds like an invitation? Yes, this discussion is going to bring gamers in Indonesia recognize the various games the children's work.

held to present the speakers of the local game developers, Housed in an office in Aldevco Octagon Building, Public Buncit Raya, South Jakarta.

You are interested in developing a game can peek mereka.Mereka success story is Ivan Chen of Majapahit Online, Heru Nugroho from Nusantara Online and Arief Widhiyasa of Agate Studio. All three will bring more information to us that the game developer Indonesia's work is no less attractive and appealing to foreign-made.

Do not believe? Try right-left wondering, how many friends who have regularly visited rental consoles like PlayStation or in college?

Without citing any actual survey data that sentence could be recognized as something that is at least close to reality, especially in urban areas, by those who are fond of solid game play. Indonesia even be called 'country of Million Gamers'.

Such a perfunctory look at the fact that, even the term 'country a million gamers' not only suitable for Indonesia, even a million numbers that look too small.

See also how many friends, especially in times of glory, like playing games via Facebook. Initial generation of Facebook users at least have never tried a game-themed Vampire 'bite each other "between friends.

More interesting if you pay attention to those who use smartphones. Starting from iPhone to Android, which many application categories targeted by the game.

About technical capability, ranging from preparing a program to create artwork, Indonesia supposed to be no shortage of human resources. Efforts to create a local game was not a game anymore. Many people have done in Indonesia, ranging from a mere whim to spend billions of dollars.

As for the game 'heavyweight', it seemed little had been heard. Game is meant here is the game for the PC and console classmates released Electronic Arts, Ubisoft or the other.

Game of the nation's work scattered at various angles. Starting from the flash game can be played via a web browser, to the game for mobile devices like the iPhone, iPad or the other.

Looking for the tip and base of the problem it could be like trying to answer whether the chicken or the egg came first: the long and unsatisfactory.

The challenge remains on how to create a product that will satisfy the users / players. And to do that, the player should be considered a factor since the beginning of the game is created, rather than affixed to the end.

Lifting the richness and diversity of local in-game does not mean the game will only be understood by the people of Indonesia alone. Are not many games that are currently raising the culture of 'foreign' can still be enjoyed by anyone in the world? Starting from the Roman Empire-themed game to a story about criminals on the streets of New York.

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