Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fight Way, Through Tax Mafia Game

An online game called Mafia tax has just been released. The free game will place players as Officer Unit (Task Force), which served to eradicate corruption in the country.

Mafia game system offered relatively modest tax, gamers only need to complete the mission in the form of questions like, "Employee named Doni tax, a tax official grade 23, class 4d buying a new car brand New Toyota Camry".

The question was more varied when the player reaches a certain level, for example at the level of a gamer is only investigating government officials based on their income and they see themselves in the ability to purchase a vehicle.

In each of these questions the player will be given 3 options that answer, Corruption, Audit and Clean. Of each answer is chosen, will behargaengaruh on the final mission. Select one to go to the next question.

at the next level gamer will investigate officials indicated privately that reduced income taxes. To solve the players were again offered three options that answer, Corruption, Audit and Clean.

Although not presenting a fancy graphics and animation, but the Mafia Tax exciting enough to try, especially if played only a moment to fill out. But with the game system that looks the same to make this game look less varied.

Tax Mafia game has a few menu items such as:

- Main: This menu contains the main page when a player wants to run the new mission. Typically, there will be special tips for completing the mission that will be encountered.

- Home: This menu contains the last activity undertaken by the players, but it can also send each other gamers speech through the box provided.

- Profile: By default, the game will give players a new name when accessing the game. Well this feature can be used to change the players name and password.

- Arena: Contains the task force that has been incorporated in the Mafia tax. On this menu gamers can also see the number of cases have been resolved the other players.

- Statistics: Contains information about the players and the level they have achieved.

- Exit: As the name implies, the menu is used to exit the game.

Meanwhile, AVerLife Extreme Vision, joy of surfing via TV ..

Internet access is now not only be done through phone or PC. AVerMedia makes the product so that users can watch YouTube, check email, chat with friends via Facebook or Twitter, fueled by ordinary home TV.

As more rich Internet content today, AVerMedia makes a product called Extreme Vision AVerLife Media Player. Black box-shaped product allows users to enjoy the ordinary home TV content popular internet today.

For the general public may not be too familiar AVerMedia name. For information, a company established since 1990 is a manufacturer of multimedia technology devices are quite popular in America. Some products such dihasilakannya: TV Tuner, Digital or Analog TV Dongle and FM radio, as well as PC to TV Converter.

Incidentally we have used television supports HDMI port. As a result the installation process is not too complicated because it uses only one cable. Users who have any input RCA cables can be put. The media player also supports component cables for a more perfect quality.

Media Player has several components in its box. In addition to its own player box, the box was still there a power adapter, composite cable, component cable, HDMI cable, remote control, and the user manual.

When the internet connection has been connected, you should immediately upgrade the firmware by selecting the option: Setup Main Menu> Version> Firmware Upgrade.

If the above are correct to do so AVerMedia display will appear on TV. Well, when this happens, immediately set the network settings through a LAN: Setup Main Menu> Network Setup> IP Setup.

AVerLife have a fairly simple port on the back of the body of this player. At the end of the right there is a power plug adapter, LAN, two USB ports, an E-SATA port, an HDMI port, an S / PDIF port and component and composite ports.

Once the internet connection is connected, the user can enjoy all the content in this AVerLife. There are six display that can be selected in the start menu AverMedia.

In general appearance AVerMedia menu is pretty simple and not complicated impression. Armed with a black-blue background, the menu is evident when viewed from a distance or near.

With the appearance of the menu is quite simple and easy operation, this could be a media player internet friends for the whole family. For example, when watching a channel on YouTube, or listen to streaming radio. When I'm bored with the service video / audio streaming, users can turn to social networking.

+ Light weight, attractive menu display
+ Can use a mouse or keyboard
+ Upgrade firmware easily

- Not to support Java and Flash for browsing.

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