Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fussy Parents, Kids Playing The Glad Game

Parents who do not like their children to play most games should avoid asking the child to stop fussing. It is actually more fond of playing the child triggers.

Secondary school children said that if their parents are always fussing ask them to stop playing, they are encouraged to play more.

That is one of the results of a study at Michigan University, as quoted from GamePolitics, Tuesday.

Linda Jackson, a professor of psychology who led the study, said they wanted to see if the negative interactions of parents encourage their children to play games.

But researchers also opens the possibility, children were only 'feel' their parents fuss, when in fact normal. The research was conducted in the form of a survey on 500 students from 20 high schools in Michigan.

The question, says Jackson, if the children pushed into the gaming world to avoid their parents or for playing games children see their parents in a negative way.

The research was criticized by the gaming community because it appears to treat the activity of playing the game as something negative.

Meanwhile, Indonesia's Largest Number of Players Arcade in Asia ..

The number of species considered to have eaten the game console market share old school style arcade game machines. But it was ignored by Namco Bandai who believe this kind of game is still in demand.

According to Namco Bandai, one of the game from makers of Sakura, arcade game enthusiasts still increasing, even in the midst of various types of games that currently exist.

Arcade game machine, or so-called ding dong, indeed one of the oldest games console that has limitations in terms of games that can be played. But that does not mean the engine was then abandoned.

In addition Arai also said that Indonesia has the largest arcade machine players in Asia Pacific. It is characterized by the delivery of gaming machines is greater than any other country.

"Usually people want to play the game that he could play immediately, especially children. Therefore arcade game is still in great demand," said Akihiko Arai, maker of arcade games from Namco Bandai.

"From the 1500 arcade game machines we have in Asia Pacific, 1000 of which the engine is operated in Indonesia. That is why Indonesia is an important market for us," added Arai at the Intercontinental Mid Plaza Hotel on Thursday.

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