Friday, August 17, 2012

Tron Tank, Play Battle Tank in the Grid

Remember going to the game Battle Tank on the Nintendo classic? Imagine if the game was included in the digital world of Grid Matrix style on the film Tron: Legacy. Game Tank named Tron is the result.

So before playing this game, keep our mindset of the characters Tron, so we are not disappointed when a try. Whether what's on the minds of game developers from Disney when creating this application.

But wait, is there any real connection between Tank and Tron himself. Many people criticize the game made by Disney is not associated with the film. Because there is no character Sam, Quora, CLU, or Tron. In the big-screen version and the PC game is also not the character Tank.

Once satisfied with the menu behargautar-round game, we tried the performance of this game. At dasaranya Tron Tank is a combination of combat and the maze game. Users are required to open certain doors, destroying objects, as well as against the enemy tanks before looking for a way out.

One thing that is the main attraction of this game is a graphical display and menu. Very futuristic like Tron, with the dominant black color blue neon lights and the songs a la Daft Punk. When we shift the display menu is very smooth and even exciting in the performance of Nokia N8 AMOLED display.

In the play, Tron Tank using the left thumb to set the direction of navigation. Meanwhile, the right thumb is used to set the direction of the muzzle Tank firing. A little hard to do this game controllers. Interested? please download it directly on the Ovi Store.

Meanwhile, Hacker, Password Officials Pursue Gawker ..

Database that has been obtained for the perpetrator was not kidding, he pocketed 1.3 million usernames and passwords from Gizmodo members, town and other sites under the auspices of Gawkermedia.

Gawker is an American company that has a number of leading blog-style sites. Call it, Gizmodo gadget site observer or town sites are pretty famous game enthusiasts. However unfortunate, some time ago Gawker database has been compromised by nosy hackers.

Instead of using the data obtained for personal gain, the hacker would disclose it and make fun of the admin manager of the site. As reported and cited our Pastebin, Nick Denton's Gawker owner did not escape the mockery of the hackers.

In addition, the perpetrators also stole another database of 4 GB. Its contents, just a chat log between employees across the company Gawker. This is certainly the more horrendous, because some companies have successfully leaked secrets.

So for those of you who have time on site medaftarkan Gawkermedia family is highly recommended to change the password used, including passwords Facebook or Twitter. Because the perpetrator also claims managed to steal a user account using Facebook Connect facility.

The hackers who called themselves Gnosis was also highly deplore the officials at Gawker who uses the standard alias is easy to guess passwords. Like those of Denton, the number one on Gawker was using a single password for multiple account on another site.

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