Monday, August 27, 2012

Tips - How to Healthy Play Game

To get the maximum impact and minimize both adverse effects of playing games, Underneath it all, the game play can be bad (negative), although there is also a bright side (positive).

Playing games on the computer or video game consoles such as PlayStation, Nintendo, Sega, Xbox, and more, for some people is fun and exciting, you'll want to read tips and tricks submissions from our readers below:

1. Avoid Game Fishing Difficult Emotions

Not only is the machine console or PC / laptop are so damaged. Hand, foot and body can get sick if violence on inanimate hard and dense. Stop playing the game if it is emotional and instantly watch television to drown out the anger.

The gameplay is hard sometimes make us upset and ultimately emotional and angry is not clear. Push and joystick can be a target if more angry and could slam, beaten, trampled, and various other violent acts.

2. Limit Time Play Game

Playing games over time can have a negative impact on our body, because of a brain full concentration on the game will ignore the important activities or the needs of the body such as eating, drinking, worship, shower, sleep, rest, exercise, socialize, and so forth. Sometimes people just realized after playing the game feels dizzy.

If it's nice to play the game normally people forget the time to stop and perform other useful activities. At the beginning of the game play set takes about one or two hours. If you need to install an alarm clock to know the time limit.

3. Play Games that Sharpen Brain

Analysis of the games you play, whether it can have a positive impact and can provide entertainment or the ability to think. If there are not any, that game was a waste of your time alone.

There are many games that can improve the ability of our brain to think like a puzzle game, game cases, memory games, strategy games, and so on. There's also a funny game could entertain us while playing.

4. Do not Play Games Endless

Try to select games that do not make us addicted to playing it for months and years and spent many hours a day to play in order to produce a good game.

Of course it would limit us to know other new games, a curious hold, and can sometimes feel embarrassed if the account status games that we play have lower results than other gamers. It would be nice if we use the time available for other activities.

5. Do not Play Gambling

Games that involve betting money on it you could say gambling. Nowadays, the game comes in the form of electronic games such as fielding balls, gambling cards, game coins, and other games that can be played online and freely circulating on the internet.

Judi can suddenly make us poor. Online gambling, for example, all have on-set. Bandar will never lose because the system has determined how much profit dealers. All against us. Because, apart from sin, to play gambling games can make us forget time, forget the family, and of course, forgetting God.

6. Invite Others Play Together

Main game rollicking much better than playing alone. By referring friends, family, neighbors, girlfriends, and so play the game we will strengthen our relationships with others. Of course, for games played matches to be played together and did not make the emotion.

Playing games alone will eliminate our social lives and can reduce the number of our friends from time to time. Friends acquaintance of playing games online is not a real friend because of that person, may be, is not honest with us. Friends in real life is much more valuable than virtual friends.

7. Do not Play Games Gallery

Imagine people who have difficulty making games with big money capital, drained brains mind and energy and sweat for months, or even years.

If you do not have much money, try not to play commercial games are not distributed free of charge. Find games that are free or free license. On the internet we can download free games, demos, and games that can be played directly online on the internet without installing the game.

We live casually buy a copy of the game from a plowman at very cheap prices. Game developers do not get anything, criminals can cash games armor artisan big and rich. We were finally able to sin.

8. Do not waste money

Love your money and should be saved for future supplies and in case the moment do not have money. Calculate all expenses of nge-games, such as the cost of transport, electricity, internet access, food, drinks, pay rental, and others.

There are people who like to play the game to catch prize tickets / coupons to be redeemed with a gift whose value far lower than we have money to spend to play the game. Calculate the long-term savings that you can do if all of the money you collect.

Calculate also the value of the time you waste in vain to play the game if the time you spend on activities that generate.

9. Love Your Body

It could be a game that is played make sore, tired and weak if played too long. It can also make us sick fingers and many other bodily complaints. The point is we have to know the limits of our endurance in the game. Do not play too many games that are not good for our bodies.

If a game makes us giddy for game viewpoint that does not match the ability of our brain, stop immediately and do not play anymore. Why should we play games but make our bodies sick.

Meanwhile, Police Arrest Drug Dealers Thanks to World of Warcraft ..

Police thanked content online game World of Warcraft. Thanks to the help of publisher WoW, Blizzard ie, police in Indiana, USA, successfully arrested a drug dealer.

"We received information he was a regular player an online game," said Matt Robertson, police hunt Alfred. Instructions are stated Alfred likes to play WoW that Blizzard contacted the police to track suspects via IP address (Internet Protocol).

Police hunt suspect named Alfred Hightower indicated had fled to Canada. Unfortunately for Alfred, a policeman knew he was addicted to WoW. With this clue, the police successfully apprehended Alfred.

"They are not obliged to respond to us and I thought they were going to do it. Yet eventually they sent the info needed and very cooperative," said Steve Rogers, another cop.

Armed with a given IP address Blizzard, Alfred finally caught. He was brought to the U.S. to face legal proceedings.

Incidentally also, reported Inquistr and quoted us, Robertson was also a fan of WoW. However, doubts whether the party had occurred Blizzard wants to help the police despite a written letter has been sent.

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