Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Animal lover Pokemon Game Protest

For some people, the characters in the game Pokemon fairly cute and adorable. But not the case for animal rights organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) who actually criticize him.

Told them that Pokémon are treated as unfeeling objects, used for things such as entertainment and as human subjects in experiments.

MAP were so far known concern as animal protection groups criticized the game Pokemon game is described as an 'abuse of animals in disguise'. The protest came a day after Nintendo released Pokemon Black 2 and White 2.

"Elephants circus animal just let it out to do the trick and often painful," wrote the MAP, as we quoted from Tech Eye, Tuesday (09/10/2012).

Pokemon in the story put a ball called Pokeballs that are considered similar to how circus elephants chained in railroad cars.

Although the animal characters in the Pokemon just fantasy, but for PETA, Pokemon games teach children how to make animals suffer as objects to be locked in a cage and removed only when in action.

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