Sunday, October 7, 2012

Brain Men And Game Addiction

Stanford - According to Harris Interactive survey of institutions in 2007, a young man two or three times more addicted to playing video games than young women. In other words, the majority of gamers are male.

"This difference may explain why more men than women like playing games," said the researchers who published their findings in the Journal of Psychiatric Research. The study was led by Allan Reis, MD, director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences Research at Stanford.

In the new study, scientists at Stanford University attempted to explain why men are so happy playing video games than females. Otherwise, the part of the brain that controls feelings of pleasure as it gets a prize, more active in men than women while playing the game.

Once analyzed, the part of the brain called mesocorticombolic that controls feelings of pleasure when given something as well as feelings of addiction, becomes active during game play takes place. However, in the male brain, its activity levels higher than in the female brain.

In the Stanford study, the participants were asked to play a game ball. Indeed, both women and men involved were equally pleased. However, as we quoted from ScienceDaily, the men expressed much more motivated to win the game.

Added, the level of activity is directly correlated with the victory of the man while playing the game. So do not be surprised if he would rather play games than women with happy feelings of this. Their brains did seem destined for more than the female brain Game Addiction.

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