Thursday, October 4, 2012

How to Deal with Video Game Addiction Smoking

Washington - Once a person addicted to smoking, it is hard for him to stop. Yet not a few dangers of cigarettes. Therefore, an interactive video game to treat addiction to cigarettes is underway. So while playing an entertaining game, addiction is gone.

Addiction treatment methods are used in this game based on the book 'Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking'. To note, the method that has helped millions of people out of the bondage of cigarettes.

As we quoted from AFP, Ubisoft made the game will be released in November last year for the Nintendo DS.

There are a total of 15 games the game will be used to counteract nicotine addiction. Players can watch their progress through the scale of the so-called "Path of Freedom '.

According to Ubisoft, the game players will be prompted to enter data a history of smoking. Then, they may choose a virtual training that will guide them overcome addiction.

"The players will engage interactively in this game so addicted to cigarettes know that quitting smoking can be a fun thing," helped Christian Salomon, vice president of Worldwide Licensing Ubisoft.

Meanwhile, Play Games Increase Work Productivity,.

Studies of the company's games, PopCap Games revealed that the banning of internet access for entertainment at work, a business in the UK could lose up to 4 billion pounds due to declining productivity. This is because workers have borne so do not get enough entertainment.

But with so many companies in the UK to ban internet access for the purposes of entertainment, according to PopCap it can actually be bad for the UK economy.

As a solution, PopCap suggest a break a few minutes to access entertainment on the internet, including online game play of light. In trials PopCap Games, it is claimed proven to make employees more focused as well relieve stress at work.

He added, simply by allowing employees to access the Internet for entertainment will increase their productivity. But apparently, a lot of companies do not realize this.

"True tea has long become the culture in the UK workplace. However rest with internet access has now become the most popular method," said Dr Chamorro-Preumuzic, one of the researchers from Goldsmiths University as we quoted from IGN.

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