Sunday, October 7, 2012

Most Annoying Things in the World Game

You are already playing the game since childhood may have experienced periods of sucks when you are gaming machines hidden parent because your grades go down, or shout them who sent you shower because you lost track of time while playing. It sucks, does not it? Indeed so, but maybe not anymore when you grow up.

Playing video games is fun. Besides, can relieve stress, playing games can also bring us venturing into a world filled with fantasy and imagination. Unfortunately, not always the elements in the world of video games is fun. Not all games are good or interesting, and not everyone likes the game. Well, in this article the author wanted to explore some unpleasant things in the world of video games!

Well, here are 15 things the authors provide the most considered annoying by gamers around the world. 15 posts a "breakdown" the authors take from 64 of the most annoying of the world of video games published in March 2008 issue of GamePro magazine.

Apparently, a lot of annoying things in the world of video games are much more serious than the example I mentioned above. Apparently, many people who do not like the game, then make it as a scapegoat to demonize video games. In addition, the release of the console game or a bad game quality is also very make gamers disappointed.

These things can be annoying character, game, console, or events. Hopefully with this listing can help gamers to avoid it!

=. Fraudulent Contractors

What is meant here is those contractors who buy it out or gaming console, so that other buyers do not miss out. Worse, the contractor will sell back goods bought at a price much more expensive, knowing goods will still be sold.

The simplest example is when the console made by Nintendo, the Wii was released 2006. Many buyers are "real" who missed because few people bought the Wii, and then sell it back at the kinds of eBay online sales site. Prices are set could double the original price!

Usually this kind of very observant contractor reading the situation, where they will hunt the products, in this case related to the game, which is expected to sell well in the market.

=. Jack Thompson

A lawyer who is well known as an opponent of the existence of video games. Not once or twice he tried to sue the manufacturer of the game, but already dozens of times, and the funny thing always lose!

The question is, how the television, film, and other elements? Why Mr. Thompson so hard accused video games and set aside those things that, while he himself hobby playing WWF Smackdown? Wah!

Mr. Thompson was one of the "singer" who often scapegoat video games as a medium to teach children and teens will everything related to violence, and other criminal acts. One subscription tarungnya is Rockstar Games, producers action series Grand Theft Auto.

=. Pirate

If this one may not hate the player, but became bitter enemies the game manufacturer. Why? Obviously! Hijackers can double or console games, to be sold at a cheaper price, of course with a much lower quality. As a result, gaming or console manufacturers do not obtain optimum benefit, and consumers are "concerned" with the quality did not get what they should get.

=. Fanboy

This is not a person, but a term used to refer to a person or group of people who are fanatical about one aspect of the video game, such as Sony fanboy, Nintendo fanboy, Zelda fanboy, and so forth.

For example, just try saying "PS3 is bad, Because there is no game and it is too expensive" before Sony fanboy, their comments are guaranteed to exceed two or three pages on the forum! Another example, for instance, if someone said that Xbox 360 machines easily damaged, they (Xbox 360 fanboy-ed) will direct anger, without asking first whether there is evidence of their gaming machines easily damaged, or answer back with a rational argument.

Well, the fanboy is usually too fanatical about what they like, sehinnga not accept criticism or suggestions, especially when what she likes vilified. They also tend to glorify what he loved to excess, so forget the flaws and weaknesses in terms.

There is no age limit to be a fanboy. I'll have gray hair, if you still behave like the above, it is still worth memdapat predicate fanboy!

In conclusion, excessive fanboy love is not supported by sufficient rationality and knowledge. Such people are usually shunned by them (game-red forum members) who want to enjoy the casual gaming world.

=. Shaq-Fu

Still remember Shaquille O'Neal, one of the quite popular basketball champion while competing in the arena of the NBA era of the 90s? So ngetopnya, the name Shaquille O'Neal can be found in almost all products. Unfortunately, the popularity was not continued when he released a fighting game called Shaq-Fu.

Shaq-Fu itself is one-on-one fighting games, like Tekken, Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat. However, exceptional control difficult, plus the incredible storyline strange (nothing to do with basketball) game makes it less attractive gamers.

=. Superman 64

How bad is the game? Everything disappointing, ranging from images, gameplay, sound, and the whole aspect of the game. This statement is taken from the author of dozens of review that the author read at, and based on the author's personal experience. Maybe it's good if the manufacturers - who already bankrupt - change the title game with Suparman 64!

Superman lover and you've got a Nintendo 64? Then you may be one of the millions of people who nodded in agreement that the game was made to commemorate your favorite hero, Superman, was one of the worst games ever made.

=. Kane and Lynch

This game was horrendous video game journalism world by the end of 2007. Developers lose sympathy from gamers. Not because the game ugly, but because this game has made Jeff Gerstmann, a senior journalist from GameSpot loses video game jobs. How so?

Unfortunately, a lot of money means the demand for high scoring. Value of 6 - which for most people is a good default value class B - it was not a developer dimau Kane and Lynch, because they target the 9 to score the review. Well, how about this? Apparently in the world of video games can be bought any judgment!

Apparently, the developers of Kane and Lynch Gamespot has financed activity for a few months by posting dozens of advertising Kane and Lynch on almost every page. When the game was released, Jeff Gerstmann gets the task to review the game, and he gave a score of 6 out of 10, which means this game has the quality of being.

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