Sunday, October 21, 2012

Relations Gamers And Eye Health

As we quoted from PocketLint, this game player must complete seven stages of training with the goal of improving visual acuity.

Eye is an important organ that needs to be maintained. Just by playing the game, the potential of the human eye is expected to be maximized in view of the situation around. This concept seems to make Nintendo released a new game 'Sight Training' for the Nintendo DS.

Official sales will begin 23 November. The full name of this game is 'Sight Training: Enjoy Exercising and Relaxing Your Eyes'. Created under the supervision of Dr Hisao Ishigaki, expert eye training for athletes of Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan, the game concentrates on five aspects of vision. The fifth aspect is hand-eye coordination, peripheral vision, eye movement, momentary vision and visual acuity. Game 'Sight Training' is claimed to provide a fun and simple exercises to train the five aspects of vision.

This new game has a working system that is almost similar to the previous Nintendo games to exercise the brain, 'Brain Train'. "With this game, your eyes will work better," claims Gail Stephenson, head of vision at Liverpool University at the launch of this game in the British capital, London.

For example, the ability to see moving objects clearly be trained in Box Track sessions where gamers have to determine the direction of a moving object. There is also a feature in each end of the exercise in which there is a record that will reveal the progress of the player.

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