Sunday, October 28, 2012

World of Warcraft Romance Ends In Jail

North Carolina - A 31-year-old student from Australia, Tamara Broome, is a fan of the game World of Warcraft. In the virtual world, he not only find adventure, but also romance.

Sometimes love story ends tragically. As experienced by an Australian woman who was sent to jail due to having an affair with a friend to play the game online.

When her lover came to Broome in his home country, he was thrown in jail on charges of kidnapping want to minors. Her boyfriend, according to the local law in North Carolina, is still categorized as a minor child.

Unfortunately for Broome, when I want to continue the romance to a higher level he had to go to jail. This is because the year-long romance is woven with a young man of 17 years from the United States.

That accusation was denied by the detective who handled the case. If convicted, Broome could languished for two years at a local prison. Similarly, we quoted from TheRegister

On the other hand, the family of Broome in Australia accused the family of the young man trapped Broome. There are even allegations Broome flights to the U.S. cost borne by the family of the young man.

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