Friday, October 12, 2012

Study: Video Games Can Make Crazy

Taipei - studies Made Chou Yuan-hua, a physician in the Department of Psychiatry at Taipei Veterans General Hospital. As we quoted from TaiwanNews, it involved 30 young people as an object of research in these studies.

People who spend too much time playing video games, especially the element of violent games have a decreased risk of brain function that affects their emotional side. Thus concluded in a study in Taiwan.

As a result, the study concluded that playing games causes a decrease in blood flow in parts of the brain such as the anterior cingulate gyrus which regulate one's internal emotional responses. This incident claimed even more severe in those who play violent games.

Dozens of young people were examined physical condition to monitor changes in blood circulation in the brain. The examination is conducted before and after each person playing video games for 30 minutes.

Although no definitive conclusions how the effects of the phenomenon, Chou pointed out that people with mental disorders such as schizophrenia or depression, also have low blood flow in the anterior cingulate gyrus them. So in conclusion, playing video games can make mad? As mentioned, so far no evidence.

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