Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Therapy Game Online

This phenomenon was revealed Hendra Irawan Chairman ina Internet Association (APNETINDO), an umbrella organization of businesses in the City of Heroes online game. He said the online game has a much higher complexity than the system console such as Nintendo, Playstation and other types.

Center Internet cafes online games are mushrooming in the city of Surabaya was able to silently change behavior patterns of young people who now pursue the game in the virtual world.

In this game, online game requires strategic thinking to produce the best. He gave an example, if the children are familiar with online games, children will have the analytical and strategic mindset, compared to other children in the age peers who are not familiar with online gaming.

"Because gamers are required to think deeply and have good concentration focus, if you want to progress and succeed," said Hendra Irawan in talk with APNETINDO Secretariat, Jl Manyar Kertoadi.

"No gamer who played the drunk or used drugs," he said, accompanied by Didik Susilo, Head of Division of Advocacy. Another aspect that is rarely exposed in public Hendra said many young people are leaving the habit of living in the glamorous world of entertainment evening by switching to his online game.

The complexity of online games, also led to its consumer is free from the influence of drugs and alcohol. Demands to be able to think strategically, also demanded a clear mindset.

"Young people generally are in the process of looking for the identity. Nah .. wider community system in this game was able to answer this question of identity search," he explained. Lots of teens are able to leave the glitzy nightlife and that has a hobby drunk after discovering fun touch games online.

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