Sunday, October 28, 2012

Teens played violent games to Vent Anger

Amid violent games distribution is highlighted because it was considered too much of a negative impact. However, based on research, youth violent video games actually help them in their anger.

Especially for that play violent video games, tends to do to vent anger. Games most popular among young men from the results of this survey, is occupied by the 'Grand Theft Auto' is also a favorite both for young girls after 'The Sims'.

It was revealed from research conducted by the Center for Mental Health and Media at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) quoted from The Register. According to the study, most teenagers playing video games in the hope to control their mental as feelings of stress and anger.

The survey included 1,254 children from the United States (U.S.), representing the various socio-economic, race and county of residence. The results of this survey seem to dispel the myths that the game violent and disturbed adolescents, as it was being hotly debated.

"Contrary to the stereotype of the solitary gamer with no social skills, we found that children who play games are actually more likely to play in a group in the same room or over the internet," said Cheryl Olsen, co-director of the Center for Mental Health and Media Massachusetts General Hospital.

Game violence that is currently highlighted is 'Manhunt 2' Rockstar output that has been challenged circulating in several countries such as Ireland and the UK. As a form of resistance, the game lovers to make an online petition to protest the ban.

"We hope this study is a first step toward reframing the debate that violent games are very dangerous and can destroy the environment. Fact situation must be clarified, what gaming content harmful to children," said Olsen.

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