Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Playstation 3 Support Einstein's Theory of Relativity

Not kidding, eight inter-connected PS3 used as a means of solving the mystery of gravity waves, ie fluctuations in the curvature of space-time spreading as a wave of moving objects. Until now, these gravity waves can not be detected directly existence. Appearance among other things, a binary star, two stars that orbit their center of mass.

The gaming console Sony Playstation 3 (PS3) commercial and the current popularity of the Nintendo Wii . But now, the PS3 may be arrogant because it is used as a means of research in the field of Physics.

Khanna said that the PS3 is the right medium for this project because it is an open platform that can run programming scientific applications. "Sony has made the PS3 an open platform that can run Linux here," explains Khanna, an assistant professor at the University of Massachusetts as we quoted from Wired.

As the architect of the study, Dr. Gaurav Khanna using the combined capabilities of the PS3 eight-called gravity grid or network of gravity to try to measure the gravitational waves. If successful, this trial will support the theory of relativity made famous scientist Albert Einstein that supports the existence of gravity waves.

According to Senior Research Development Manager Sony, Noam Rimon, Cell processor in the PS3 is its ability to be parallelized so doubled. Gravity grid Khana was working through a network of eight PS 3 ability to detect gravity waves.

It also said the PS3 Cell processor developed by Sony with IBM and Toshiba can deliver large amounts of power. If optimized combined together, the console is claimed to be compared with the super computer.

A similar investigation is underway agency the United States NASA astronomer who even makes a great observatory to detect gravity waves. Planned, the results of this study through PS3 media Khanna and his team will be revealed in the months ahead.

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