Saturday, October 13, 2012

How to Leave a Game For Happiness

Gaming addiction can lead to bad risks, such as failing in school or at work unless your work is related to the world of gaming. Some tips that we quoted from HowToDoThings, might help you overcome addictive game play.

As more good video game, a lot of people become addicted to it. Playing games in reasonable limits can indeed be entertainment, it may even be able to train agility thinking.

= Self-Discipline

Very often people who are addicted to the game, even though consciously want to quit but want to try it again. This can only be overcome by strict self-discipline. You have to be hard on yourself. It's hard to quit a very pleasant thing, but it will be more painful if it does interfere with your life without realizing it. Think that your future can be damaged and the time that has been lost can not come back again.

= Make Decisions Settled

The first step is to decide to stop playing the game altogether or reduce it drastically. If you have come to the conclusion that playing games ruin your life, college or hinder your career, realize completely that there is no way but to motivate yourself steady. Stop playing games or less to the extent that you believe is true, real life is not interrupted even if you play the game.

= Fix Social Relations

How many friends do you forget because busy playing the game? Do not wait any longer, call your friends and interact with each other. If necessary, seek new friends in a variety of events. Be aware that your friends in the real world offers far greater pleasure than the characters in the game. Even the psychologist said, happiness comes from a healthy interaction with your friend in the real world.

= Learning New Things

To replace the activity of playing games, learn some new things in the real world. For example, you can learn a foreign language or playing a musical instrument specific. It would be better if the event will benefit the development of your self. New activity is likely to make you forget the little game activity.

= Do not Affected

If your close friends including gaming addict, do not be swayed by them. Keep your motivation to reduce the activity of playing games. If necessary, advise your friends too if the game play activities they already are in a stage that could interfere with life.

= Stay away from Games

If you are addicted, it is very difficult to break away from the desire to play the game. There is no guarantee that even if you've managed to reduce or stop playing the game, you can do so. Quite possibly all of a sudden, the desire to play was not irreversible. Therefore, you should take firm. Delete the game from your computer or, if necessary, sell your game console. Without the game around you, the opportunity to escape completely from the addictive game getting bigger.

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