Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Brain Women and Men So Just In Time Playing Game

One of them, according to neuroscientist, men are better than women in terms of navigation and spatial skills such as map reading. However, women are more superior in terms of verbal fluency and remembering the location of objects. On this, a recent study at the University of Toronto have pretty surprising conclusions.

As author John Gray says in his book, he supposedly came from Mars while women are from Venus. That is, men and women are different in many ways.

In fact, women can achieve the levels of male spatial skills. This increase is maintained even when we assess their next five months, "said lead investigator, Jing Feng told us from Softpedia.

Spatial skill differences between the Adam and womanhood can be lost due to playing video games in just a few hours. "Our experiments show that both men and women can improve their spatial skills by playing video games.

Improvements lasted for a few months, "said Ian Spence, one of the researchers who is also the director of the local psychology laboratory.

Explained, this presumably relates to a specific gene. "Playing action video games may activate a gene associated with spatial skills. Clearly, something dramatic happens in the brain associated with this skill just by playing the game for 10 hours.

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