Saturday, October 13, 2012

Playing games Healthier Than Reading Books

United States - There are several reasons why video games considered better than the book. First, Hoftun said, reading is an activity undertaken by sedentary. It's called can lead to obesity (overweight), especially in children.

Many thought that video games are toxic to children, so it needs to be wary of. However, a book entitled 'Book of Games' has vehemently denied this claim. One of the book's editors, Erik Hoftun, claiming that playing video games can actually be better than reading a book.

Another reason put forward Hoftun is about 'creativity'. On reading that someone would not want to accept the story that made ​​the author and can not change. Another case if someone is playing a video game that will determine its ability to act outcome.

On the other hand, now has available a video game that can help fight obesity. Game consoles like Nintendo Wii are also providing more activities than just sitting, even to use at the gym.

"Of course there are good and bad games, just as there are good and bad books. Bottom line is, playing video games is a decent alternative, and sometimes better than reading," said Hoftun in the book we quoted from Softpedia.

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