Monday, October 8, 2012

Owner Game Poker 'Lost' 36 Billion Every Day

United States - you know the game of Poker, Zuma or social networking? Game that was popular it was made a company called Zynga initiated by Mark Pincus.

When the games his company made its market value, or its peak earlier this year when the stock Zynga (ZNGA) traded above U.S. $ 14.50 per share, as Pincus's shares 94.5 million shares worth $ 1.3 billion.

Not many people are familiar with the billionaires from the United States (U.S.), except for gamers, users of social media and lover of information technology (IT). Now, the fact he is no longer a millionaire as usual.

The value of its assets in shares of Zynga had slipped more than 80%. But he is not the record holder in terms of property loss in a short time. That record is currently held by Eike Batista, the Brazilian billionaire who lost $ 6 billion in just 48 hours.

Now, as we quoted from CNBC, Tuesday (10/09/2012), in just seven months and a half years less alias, wealth dropped to only $ 250 million (Rp 2.25 trillion) only. This means, wealth lost 90 trillion in seven months, the equivalent of 36 billion per day, or 1.8 million per hour.

In this case, Pincus was lucky. He had the opportunity to sell their shares to the public as 16.5 stock price is still trading and reap double digit raise about USD 200 million (USD 1.8 trillion).

In second place is a treasure Sheldon Adelson declined U.S. $ 25 billion (Rp 225 trillion) in just a few months before the global economic crisis in 2008.

Still, the massive loss of property in the social networking industry is a yellow light for investors. Take, for example, Mark Zuckerberg who lost more than $ 9 billion, or corrections sufficient shares in Groupon.

He also still has a mansion worth $ 16 million in San Francisco and villas in Aspen. Pincus also got some shares in various companies, one of them is Facebook.

Industrial technology, especially social media today such as supernovae, with intense burning before it went up in flames.

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